Chapter 35

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I wake up due to excruciating pain in my leg. I sit up careful not to wake Chris, but he sits up right along side me.

"You okay?" He asks half awake.

"Yeah, fine. Go back to sleep." I flick towards the bed with my hand.

"How's your leg?" He asks, completely disregarding what I just said.

"It's killing me, but it's okay, go back to bed." I repeat.

"Here, let me look at it," he says and slips out of bed, again ignoring what I said.

I roll my eyes. He turns the lamp on and kneels in front of me.

"Well the swelling went down, you may have just fractured it."

He stands up and slips a hoodie on over his bare torso.

He sits on the bed next to me, taking my arm and putting it over his shoulders and helps me stand up.

"Where are we going?" I ask trying to balance myself on him.

"I'm taking you to the ER." He says plainly while slipping one of his hoodies over my head.


He looks at me with a 'seriously?' look and I roll my eyes and limp out the door.

Our door slams rather loudly as we walk down the hallway.

"Hey?" We hear someone whisper and turn around. Crawford stands halfway out of his hotel room in his boxers with no shirt on and messy hair.

"What are you guys doing? It's like, five a.m.?"

"I'm taking her to the ER." Chris whispers back

Crawford nods and goes back to his room. Chris scoops me up and carries me the rest of the way downstairs.

Chris calls an Über and we wait in the lobby until it comes.

"Couldn't this wait until later in the morning?" I whine and bury my head in his chest.

He laughs, "Do you want to wait that long with your leg practically falling apart?"

I stay silent and he rubs my back. We could've wrapped it earlier, but the one time I don't bring some kind of medical wrap...

Chris' phone lights up telling us that our Über is here and he puts my arm over his shoulders and carries me out to the Über.
I'm so sorry :( I need to update more but school is kicking my booty 🙃 I hope you guys are doing okay! Tell me what's up and what y'all think should happen next 😏

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