Chapter 34

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The next few weeks are basically Kenny following me around and Ashton and Sam are the least of my problems.

We've been on tour for a good two weeks and I've gotten maybe a weeks worth of sleep. I also haven't been feeling the best but that's probably the lack of sleep.

We finish today's meet and greet and Kenny walks extremely close behind me. I speed up a bit and walk up to Chris, grabbing his hand from behind and leaning in to him.

I sigh and he takes his hand from mine and places his arm around my shoulders, keeping me safe and close.

We walk by the crowd and the scream with excitement as we pass. We all wave and I see one fan in particular that we met. She told me that Chris and I helped her a lot.

I wave and make a heart with my hands at her and she covers her face and smiles.

Chris and I sit back stage and I start to doze off on his shoulder. Him and I are going up at the same time, so he has no reason to leave me.

He lays his head over mine, "Why are you so tired?"

I shrug, but I'm too tired to answer with words. I can only really sleep with him; I don't get it, I guess he just makes me feel safe.

With Kenny, Sam, and Ashton being around, can you blame me?

He wraps both of his arms around me and lays on me, but it's comfortable.

We stay like that for about an hour until someone shakes my shoulder causing us both to wake up.

I look up and see Crawford with a worried expression and everyone frantically running around.

"What the hell?" I jump up and Chris stands behind me.

"We gotta go, bad storm coming so they want us safe and the guests."

Figures the one time we go to Florida...

"I need you all out to the bus so we can get to a hotel." The tour manager tells anxiously.

Chris, Crawford and I run out the door and to the bus. Chris pulls his jacket off and covers me with it because it's pouring rain.

"Chris! Put that back on!"

"I'll be fine, you get sick easy."

My heart explodes and I smile and run to the bus with him. We get on and I laugh and toss Christian's jacket on to his suitcase on the floor.

He laughs with me, "That was fun."

I shake my head smiling, "Go dry off, you dork."

He puts his hands on my hips and kisses my forehead before going to change and dry off.

Honestly, what did I do to deserve him?

A few minutes later, we pull up to the hotel and they hand us umbrellas this time. Thank goodness...

We get off the bus and and I walk behind Chris. I try to keep up with him but not weighing much, plus the umbrella makes it hard to walk in the wind.

I'm pathetic, I know.

All of a sudden my boot gets caught on something and I trip and it sends a shooting pain up my leg. I yelp out of shock and Chris stops and turns around, running back to me.

"Nikki!" He yells. I try to stand up but my leg is bent in a way I don't think it should be. Chris stops and picks me up bridal style and runs to the entrance of the hotel.

He walks in and all I can hear is a chorus of people asking what happened. He sets me down on the couch in the lobby. He cringes a bit and I know that's not good.

"Nikki, what did you trip on?"

I shrug, not feeling much because the fall caught me so off guard I can't feel anything.

"My boot got caught on something."

"We need to get you to-" Our tour manager starts.

"No!" I yell, "I'm not going back out there today."

"Nicole, you snapped your leg almost in half."

The words make my head spin and Chris sits next to me, laying my head on his shoulder.

I glance down at it which makes my head spin worse. I bury my face in Christian's shoulder. He comforts me by rubbing my arm.

Why does stuff like this always happen to us?

Chris helps me up and I balance on one leg because I can't even set the other on the floor without excruciating pain.

He looks at me, "My poor baby," he laughs and scoops me up again.

I roll my eyes, "You're mean."

"I know baby, I'm sorry." He fake pouts and sticks his bottom lip out.

I bite his lip and he smirks at me, "Don't do that, we can't when you have a leg hanging off your body."

"Christian!" I laugh and smack his chest. That's a great picture. My leg hanging off my body... Nice.

We get up to a hotel room and he unlocks the door and gently sets me on the bed. Our tour manager brought everyone's bags up on the kart thing and Chris grabbed ours off.

He stands in front of me and stares at me with a slight smile, kind of cocking his head to the side.

"What?" I ask, slightly irritated because I'm starting to feel the pain now.

"You're such a dork." He laughs and pulls one of my shirts out from the suitcase.

"We might need to take your pants off and look at your leg."

"How's that gonna work?" I say sarcastically.

"Nikki, we need to look at it. I don't think your leg is supposed to stick out in the middle of your calf."


I quickly change my top and hand my other one to Chris.

Chris helps me somehow get my jeans passed the bone sticking out of my leg and put on yoga shorts.

I never actually do yoga in those.... Hm...

Chris stares at my leg, "It's bruised, I can't tell if that's swelling or a bone, but we'll see tomorrow. Keep your leg up." He says and stands up.

He changes in to sweatpants and a tshirt and lays in bed next to me, trying not to get too close so I don't mess up my leg even more. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers, "You'll be okay."
I wanna knock myself out with a hammer
How are you guys? Ilysm thanks for sticking this long I promise it'll get more interesting when I'm happy again ☺️

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