Chapter 36

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So turns out my leg is broken but not as bad as we thought. They put a cast on my leg up to my knee and we called another über and left.

Chris helped me back out of the über and into the hotel, it's about 9:00 am now and we have a show at 3:30 tonight.

Chris helps me upstairs and I crash on the bed and fall asleep for another three hours.

Chris rubs my back to wake me up and I open one eye at him, "We have to get down to the venue."

I make some kind of inhuman whining noise and close my eyes again because, let's face it, no one would like being dragged to the ER at like 5 am.

He sits on the bed next to me and rubs my thigh, "Baby I know you're tired but we have to get down to the venue."

"Nooo," I whine.

"Alright," he sighs and picks me up under my neck and knees and carries me out the door.

I don't even care, I'm so tired. I lay my head against his chest and fall asleep again until we get into our van.

"You have to wake up now, baby, we're literally on our way to the venue."

I give in and sit up, rubbing my eyes attempting to wake up more.

"What happened to your leg?" Asks Kenny. Come to think of it, I think he was one of the last to get off the bus...

"I tripped in the rain and broke it." I say blatantly to get to conversation over quicker.

"That's a shame." He says almost emotionless and walks away. I turn to Chris and see that he's watching Kenny walk away with his eyebrow raised.

"What... The heck was that?" He asks turning to me. I shrug and Chris protectively wraps his arms around me.

Later after the show, Mikey and I decide to go goof around around the city. Chris was tired so he stayed at the hotel.

"Where you guys going?" Cameron asks jogging down the hallway to catch up with us.

"Walking around the city." Mikey shrugs.

"I wanna come!" Cameron says. So now it's me, Cameron, and Mikey.

We end up near a 99¢ store and run inside, "99¢ store haul anyone?" I laugh and drag them inside.

We walk around for a bit and find the weirdest things we can find.

"Hey look!" Cameron yells, "A douche!"

"Cameron!" I yell while Mikey laughs so hard he almost falls over. I laugh with him and snatch it from Cameron, putting it back on the shelf.

"What?" He laughs.

"Hey Nikki," Mikey says and I turn, "You should get a pregnancy test."

I laugh, "Why?"

He shrugs, "I dunno, 99¢ store crap." I laugh and toss one in the shopping cart.

We end up with a ton of bags of weird candy, weird makeup things, weird decorations, weird toys... All that fun stuff.

We get back and put the bags in a storage compartment in the bus, then go back to our rooms at the hotel.

Chris is up on his phone with the lights off and the tv on.

"I thought you were tired?" I say and walk to my suitcase to change.

"I am, but I wanted to make sure you got back safe."

"Aw, well I got back safe, go to sleep, babe."

"I can't."


"Because you're not next to me yet."

I roll my eyes and quickly do my night routine so I can get to bed because I'm tired too.

I crawl in bed beside him and he wraps his arms around me and finally falls asleep, while I slowly fall asleep to his steady heartbeat.
🙃🙃 I wanna throw myself off a cliff how are you guys

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