Chapter 38

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*Please read announcement before reading this chapter*
First night home from tour and I wake up in the middle of the night to borderline excruciating pain in my lower stomach.


I roll out of bed and to the bathroom and roll my eyes. Of course this happens our first night home. Of course it does.

I go to reach for a pad or something and quickly realize there isn't any. Why does this happen to me?

Do I wake Chris up? I have an extra in my bag but it's not like I can get up and go get it.


I hear the bed creek and footsteps come to the door, "What?"

"I need you to get my bag and get the yellow square thing out of it and slide it under the door."

Yellow square thing... Nice.

I hear him shuffle across the room and dig in my bag, "The pad?" He yells back.

I facepalm, "Yes, Chris."

All of a sudden it shoots under the door and slides across the floor to me.

I roll my eyes and finish up, then go back to bed. Chris wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, "I love you, even when you're cranky. Please don't hurt me."

I laugh and kiss his nose before falling back asleep.

I wake up again, but at a normal time, and Chris isn't there. I suppose he's downstairs. I do my morning routine real quick and go downstairs and see him in the living room on his laptop.

"Good morning sunshine." He smiles.

"Meh," I respond and stick my hands in my sweatpants pockets and slump to the kitchen.

On the counter is a bunch of chocolate, new makeup, and some girl products.

Chris wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my neck.

"You didn't have to do that." I say while forcing back a smile.

"But I love you and know how miserable you get during this, I got some movies also so we can watch and cuddle."

"I love you." I say and kiss him softly. This is why I married my best friend.

We watched movies all day while I ate a bunch popcorn and chocolate because I freaking like chocolate.

"Nicole, have you eaten anything healthy today?"

"Nope and I don't want to."

He laughs, "You have to eat something healthy."

I get up and walk to the kitchen, open the fridge, and pull out a grape. I walk back to the living room, pop it in my mouth, then sit back down next to Chris.

"...K" He says and puts his arm around me and pulls me close to him. I cuddle up to him and finish watching the third movie we put on today.

"Do you want to go do something?" He asks and rubs my shoulder.

I shake my head, "I don't feel like moving."

"Maybe if you got out you'd feel better, you usually do."

"I want to sleep."

"C'mon, you'll feel better." He drags me off the couch and up the stairs. I reluctantly follow him and put a sweatshirt on.

I put on a little bit of makeup and follow Chris back down the stairs.
I have writers block and today was absolutely horrible

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