Chapter 11

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"Christian!" I yell from the couch. I'm upside down...


"I'm bored." I sit up and stare at him as he walks in the room.

"Oh really?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Yeah?"

I stand up and he wraps his arms around me, "I can fix that," he presses his forehead to mine and smiles.

"Yeah?" I tease and slip my arms around his neck.

"Yeah.." He presses his lips to mine and I kiss back, but I'm gonna mess with him.

"Okay... Buuut.."

"Buuut what?" He smiles and pulls his head back a bit.

"Only if you catch me!" I yell and run off.

I hear him laugh, "Come on!"

He starts chasing after me and I run faster. I run up the stairs two at a time and run into the spare bedroom.

I hear Chris behind me, so I open the window and climb out. I close it behind me and slide down the roof, grab on to the tree outside, and climb down, then run back inside the house.

I hear Chris still looking for me upstairs and giggle. I'm not in the mood, I'm trying to tire him out.

I see him lean over the banister and I start laughing harder, "How did you.. Never mind," he laughs and comes down the stairs.

"I give up," he wraps his arms around me, "What do you want to do?"

"How about a museum?"

Chris smiles, "I'm down."

We run upstairs to get dressed, on the way upstairs, Chris slaps my butt.

"Christian!" I gasp and laugh.

"What? I can't help it, you've been working out."

I blush, but laugh anyway and run to my closet. Chris follows and picks out whatever he's wearing.

I quickly get dressed and do my makeup while Chris just messes with his hair, then gives up but it looks perfect anyway.

"You don't need all that makeup." He crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe waiting for me.

"Chris.." I sighed while trying to make my eyeliner even.

"What? It makes me mad that you think you aren't beautiful without it."

"Christian, stop."

"Nicole, what makes you think you need it?"

I slightly turn my head and look up at him. He kneels down and grabs my hands, "Nikki, you are beautiful. I know you don't believe it and I don't know why, and those people online calling you ugly are ridiculous."

I smile and kiss his head. He lets me finish and then we leave.

After three exhibits, Chris and are in the last one, which is a bunch of fossils and skeletons and it's my favorite one.

"Chris look at the shark jaw!"

I point at it, then feel my phone buzz in my pocket. Chris examines the shark jaw and I pull my phone out.

This Is ForeverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ