Chapter 15

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We spent eight hours at the studio. Eight... I don't know how he does it.

We get in the car to go home and my phone buzzes. I sit down in the car and check it.

I stare at it puzzled; I don't know this number.

"Hey, want to go out today? :) x"

"Who is this?" I respond.

I stare at Chris while he drives. He's a hottie... I slide the camera open on my phone and take a picture.

I go to Instagram and post it with the caption "blessed"

Chris laughs at me, "You take so many pictures."

"Because you're hot," I shrug. He laughs and intertwines our fingers, then kisses my knuckles.

I feel my phone buzz and grab it with my other hand.

"Oh, it's Kenny :) Crawford gave me your number"

I sigh and shake my head. Chris glances at me, then back at the road, "What's wrong?"

"Your damn brother..." I say, bringing my phone to my ear calling him.

"Yo," he answers.

"I suppos you didn't give Kenny my number, just like you supposedly didn't tell him about Christian's incident?"

"Nikki I never gave anyone your number, I wouldn't without your permission."

"So why is he texting me?"

"Kenny knows his way around technology."

My stomach drops, "Okay, thanks." I hang up.

I look at Chris, worry written all over my face, "He can find out where we live."



My heart starts racing and I feel the blood rush from my face. I can't do this again... I can't have a repeat of Sam.

My phone buzzes again, "Hello? If you don't want to that's okay.."

"Chris I can't do this again."

He squeezes my hand, "You won't."

We pull up to our house and Chris takes my phone. He taps the screen a few times before pulling it to his ear. I raise an eyebrow.

I hear Kenny's voice through the phone and a cold shiver runs down my spine.

"Hey beautiful!"

"Thanks for the compliment," Chris says sarcastically, "How did you get my wife's number?"

"I- uh- Crawford gave it to me."

"I know my brother, he wouldn't give it to you without her permission. How did you get my wife's number?"

The line is silent and Chris is breathing hard, angry.

"I searched it."

"Search yourself a hospital, if you contact my wife one more time, you'll need it."

Chris hangs up the phone and a weight lifts off of my chest. Chris wouldn't let anything happen to me.

We go inside and he sits on the couch, so I sit on his lap and rest my arms over his shoulders, lacing my hands together behind his neck.

"What's up, love?" He asks, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.

I shake and tilt my head, "Nothing, I just really love you."

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