Chapter 8

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Chris and I got our things together and rushed home, "Who called you?"

"Sam.." I said with a shaky voice.

Chris reached over and grabbed my hand, "Hey, we handled him before we'll do it again."

I looked down at my lap, "Why won't he just give up?"

He shook his head, "I don't know.."

"I've made it very clear that I'm yours.."

"It'll be okay. I don't know why he keeps pushing, you obviously won't want him especially because of his-"

"And because you're the only guy I love."

He forced back a smile, "Yeah... That too.."

Chris quickly drove home and got out of the car before I did. The first thing I saw was our front window smashed and nearly passed out.

Chris unlocked the door and we slowly walked inside. I'm assuming this was Sam...

He knocked everything over, threw things around, there's broken glass on the floor, and our carpet on the stairs is torn up.

I started to cry and Chris wrapped his arms around me. I covered half of my face with my hands and he rubbed my back.

"Hey," he pulled my hands away from my face, "we're gonna fix this, and we're gonna put Sam in his place."

I nodded and laid my head against his chest. He stroked my hair and swayed us back and forth.

I'm so thankful for him, so so blessed. Even though this is hard, I have him and we're going to give Sam what he deserves.... Again.

"Chris, he didn't do this alone.."


"He didn't do this alone."

"Who else would be out to get us?"

I made the 'really?' face and he got it.

"Why won't they just give up?" He asked and I wrapped my arms around him.

"If I knew I would stop, don't worry, we're going to fix this together."

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