Lilith, The Fallen.

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New Limbo

"We've been flying for ages, are we ever gonna find this guy!?"
Asked Micheal, the Angel was vexed with his current state.

"Well instead of you complaining why don't we use Astral search Like i proposed earlier." replied Trinadel.

"That thing makes use of excessive pure energy!! Do you seriously wanna draw more voiders to us. Didn't you see how difficult it was fighting just that one Voider ?"

"Wow!! " Trinadel clapped her hands at his statement as they flew on.

"So the great Michael has lost the zest to fight after getting bashed by a Voider!!" she began laughing at the Legendary Arch Angel.

"hey hey!! It didn't beat me up that much. I can only agree that i was ignorant about its abilities and existence. Infact, that was my only mess up. If i had known it could adapt and regenerate, I would have obliterated it with Blazing Sun (Kauto Ilio) "

The two Angels finally landed at a clear field. The floor was a mix of red and yellow and the sky was black as usual. That was New Limbo for you.

" Mr Arch... Why don't we both just accept that we messed up and end this little argument, okay? "
Trinadel smiled at the Arch Angel who seemed to have lowered his usually proud attitude.

"Okay!!" the Arch Angel replied. He stared at Trinadel who was busy gazing at nothing in particular. That's when it hit him that she had been badly hurt.

"Uhh...How's the hole in your chest...Should be totally healed up by now right?" The Arch Angel asked. He was trying to be nice,but being nice was not one of Michaels traits which made his question sound quite forced, even though it wasn't.

Trina laughed at the Arch Angels question. In her one thousand years as an Angel, this was the first time she had ever seen Michael try to be nice.

"Cool it there Mikey, not everyone's a fast healer like you. But don't worry. The hole's all filled up, just my skin left to complete the healing process."

She casually returned to her meaningless gaze at the environment.
"What about your wings... Uhm, are they better now? "

"Did getting beat up for the first time in eons make you change the way you act towards me, your subordinate.? Wow.. If I knew that would work, I'd have done it a long time ago."

Michael didn't reply, just continued staring at her, waiting for his answer.

"Okay, my wings are better. I mean how else did i fly here"
The Arch Angel smiled broadly at her.
"Trina? One thing you should know about me is that i love getting straight to the point about things bugging me or about my feelings. No matter the place, time, or condition. "

He stepped closers to the Female Angel. She didn't attempt to speak, Just stared on in confusion.

"And right now I have to just put it out there because it's been tugging at my mind for a while Trina!"

The Arch Angel stepped even closer

"Trinadel, i think i have feelings for...." Michaels statement was cut short as a deafening wail came from a far distance.

"WHAT! the hell was that?!!" exclaimed Trinidel completely pushing what Michael was about to say aside.

"Wait Trina, just let me finish first before we continue our search, I said that I'm beginning to have feelings for.... DAMN IT!!!"
Michael yelled out as the ear bleeding cry came again cutting him off for the second time.

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