Chapter 22

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///Chapter 22\\\

Luna's POV

It had almost been a day now and I had lit a small fire in the quickly growing dark. It was cool in this area and I needed one to stay safe. It was a good thing I had paid attention to all of those survival classes. They were a must even though the school didn't have a reason for having to teach them but I'm glad they did.

Rubbing my hands by the fire I remembered the box. Gell had wanted me to leave it there so she could explain but I didn't trust the person at the door at the time and had taken the box with me. How Tyler had never noticed I didn't know but I had it with me now and I was going to read those documents.

I carefully leafed through yellowing pages and began to read slowly, but faster and faster and I learned more.

These are the records of Nicons, the thirteenth Zodiac Sign. This sign is unknown by many people but it is one of the most important there is. It is the sign for all signs, every trait and characteristic is shown in the Nicons, making them the easiest people to get along with.

A Nicon is determined by the day they are born, two days of every month produce a Nicon though they are placed in what should be their appropriate signs. Nicons find it difficult to fit in and like to go against everyone else. It's an instinctual reaction to challenge what they are told to do and argue. Although they are strongly opinionated they do not hold grudges.

If you are reading this you, or a person near you, is a Nicon. This information is spread out to one person for every sign to bring back the Nicon sign. We did once live peacefully among the other signs but when an uprising occurred because of our opinion they murdered us. All of us except for three, but only because we remained hidden.

I am writing this as a fellow Nicon, straining to survive in the wilderness that surrounds the Sign Land, after they obliterated us so mercilessly. I run with my wife and her pregnant friend. Every other women, man and child was destroyed in the swift war that took us out. I would hate to be the poor soul that returns to the desolate place.

There were so many fires and so many died of starvation as the slowly killed us off, trying not to bring attention to the uprisings we had. It was sick to hear how many people had died in just a few short weeks and it was worse when that final wildfire spread through the town like a disease. I have reason to believe that the fire was not accidental but on purpose as it had been a dry season and nothing was safe.

I barley escaped myself let along with my wife. I had been late returning from work in the field and saw the smoke rising before it spread. I wasted no time in packing up our valuables and heading to the ocean, keeping close to the water for precaution. We have traveled two night already along the ocean, and we have currently reached the river. We have camped out here, on quite a nice night for such a bad time, and are awaiting the sunrise.

We are continuing along the river for just a bit longer, in hopes of finding a safe dwelling place for the next while. We don't know how long we will be in exile or how long we will survive but I hope for the best for both my wife and her friend.

I stopped reading there and flipped to the next entry. If I was right, and I had a feeling I was, that was the river that Tyler and I had followed to the ocean. The day he told me whatever sickness my mom had I probably had too. The day I had almost killed myself because I was dumb enough to wade into the ocean on a stormy day. The day Tyler had admitted he loved me and we had danced in the rain and so much more.

We have travelled four nights now and have come across a spot that we may be able to call home for a while. It is closer then I wish it to be but a cave over run with vines and plants has obviously not been seen in years. I think it will do. It will be hard to grow a crop in the rocky soil.

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