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🎶It's our paradise and it's our war zone🎶

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING." (Y/n) yelled at me from the other  side of the room.



"THEN JUST ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG AND WE CAN MOVE THE HELL ON FROM THIS!" She glared at me before walking out of the room, making sure to slam the door as loud as she could.

I didn't go after her.

She needed space, obviously, so that's exactly what she was going to get.

I laid down on my side of the bed, staring at the ceiling.

(Y/n)'s stubbornness wasn't going to trap me this time.

She didn't think I'd ever get fed up, but she was dead wrong.

An hour passed by, she hadn't come back upstairs.

45 minutes, she was still sitting downstairs.

After another 30 minutes, I made the decision to get up and go to the living room.

When I opened the door, (Y/n) was standing there.

Another cliché, I know.

I let go of the doorknob and walked back to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Can we talk?" She asked.

"Go ahead, I'm listening." I patted the spot next to me.

She took a seat, folding her hands on her lap.

"I'm sorry."

"That's a good start." I laid back, staring at the ceiling once again.

"Jack, stop being stubborn."

"Stubborn?! You of all people have the nerve-"

"Okay, I get it! I really am sorry, genuinely sorry. It wasn't my intention to upset you, nor embarrass you; I wasn't thinking."

She continued to speak about what happened earlier that day, I listened thoroughly.

"I hope you accept my apology."

The expression on her face let me know that she was truly sorry.

I sighed.

"Don't cry." I pulled her into my arms.

"I'm not mad at you, (Y/n). Just be more mindful of your words and actions."

I kissed her forehead first, her cheek, then her lips.

Before the shedding of clothes could occur, I stopped.

The aspect of making up after an argument doesn't always have to lead to sex.

"We were on the edge a couple hours ago-"

"-and now we're fine."

"I fear you'll get tired of me and leave."

"Every relationship has its ups and downs, but if you truly love someone, then giving up easily won't be the path to take."

"Grandma always said that back in her days, people worked out their issues in order to maintain a long-lasting relationship."

"Your grandma was definitely a very wise woman, I wish I could've met her." She smiled up at me.

"I wish that too, she would've adored you just as much as I do." (Y/n) pinched my cheek.


"You're so cute." I laughed and held her hand against my chest.

"You're like a child."

"That's make you a complete creep if I was."

"Let's not talk about that."

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