Don't wanna

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{Made this up on spot, so excuse me if it's shitty}

Usually I would be the one awake active, but surprisingly, I was in bed by 12.

(Y/n) massaged my scalp to help me fall asleep.

About half an hour later, I noticed she wasn't on her side of the bed.

Where'd she go?


I heard (Y/n) yelling from the living room.

When I walked downstairs I noticed she was watched tv.

"Hey, why are you yelling?" I questioned, rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry, this show is getting to me."

"You finally decided to watch it?"

I looked over at the tv to see that she was watching Stranger Things.

"Yeah and I'm hooked."

"I see."


I see she's very engrossed in the show.

"Babe, I'm tired."

"Then go back to bed, Jack."

"You expect me to sleep while you continuously yell at the tv screen? No one is going to respond back to you."

"You should understand my frustration, baby. You watched this too."

I was lowkey irritated.

"Joyce and Jonathan gets Will back, Barb never comes back, Eleven disappears, and Nancy and Steve continue to date!"




I smiled at her.

"Now that you know how everything ends, you can come back to bed now."

"Fuck you! I'm not going."

"You already have! And fine, you can stay on the couch."



She's so childish sometimes.

{HAS ANYONE ELSE WATCHED STRANGER THINGS?! 😱 Sorry if you haven't finished it. 🙊}

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