Come around

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(Y/n) has been the one I would turn to for anything because no matter what, she would always be there. 

We're friends, plus more, except we aren't in a relationship.

She's mine, but I hate titles and unnecessary labels.

I know she wants all of me or nothing at all and she stays down for me in hopes that something will change my mind.

I stood at her door, debating on whether to knock on her door, or turn around and leave.

She makes me feel nervous and I have never felt that way about anyone else.

I knew that I had to keep her for as long as I could. 

I knocked and waited for her to answer.

She didn't look thrilled to see me.

"Hey, may I come in?"

"What are you doing here, Jack?"

"I just wanted to talk for a minute."

She sipped her wine while staring at her watch.

When she removed the glass from her lips, she told me that I literally had one minute.

"Time is ticking." 

"(Y/n) please, you know what I meant."

She rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch, glaring at me till I decided to have a seat as well. 

"Why are you here?"

"I want you to myself and it pisses me off when I see you with other dudes."

"Okay, but you at like I'm fucking with them heavy like I have been with you for the last 7 years. Do I hang out with other males? Yes.Are we just friends? Yes. Do I have interest in them? No, I don't. Why do you even care? I'm not your fucking girlfriend, nor am I your wife. Nothing."

Judging by the way her tone changed, I could tell she wanted to cry, but she managed to keep herself together. 

"You know that I'm not ready to be tied down, (Y/n)."

"So that's what you call being loyal to ONE person?"

"I am loyal to you."

"HOW?! All you do is spend your time around random bitches and do whatever you do with them."


The doorbell rang.

"You need to leave, now."


"You couldn't see the good woman standing in front of you, so someone else did."

She walked to the door as I walked to the back door to let myself out so I wouldn't cross paths with her guest.

I saw the instant smile she got on her face when she saw whoever was standing there.

For the first time, she looked genuinely happy and I hate that another man took my position.

Nothing more I could say or do would have her back in my arms where I wanted her to be.

My selfish ways caused (Y/n) to be my one that got away. 

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