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{Listen to the song in media}

"(Y/n), I saw his number in your phone, so I know that you've been talking to him."

"Jack, I don't have feelings for him anymore. We are still friends and talk from time to time. Also, he's in a relationship, if that makes you feel any better."

"It doesn't! It isn't going to either."

"What do you want from me, Jack? Because I don't know what to do anymore to keep you happy and I feel like I'm losing myself trying to keep you."

"I've been told that you still see him, but I didn't know whether or not to believe it. I guess the long phone calls are a good enough answer."

"You're saying you don't believe me?"

"I don't know what or who to believe anymore."

She started crying and breaking picture frames.

"I have to go right now."

That night she packed everything and didn't look back.

Trying to call her and leave voicemails was useless because she didn't care about me nor our relationship anymore.

A week later she decided to call me since I gave up and began the process of moving on because I figured that she wouldn't come back to me.

I couldn't understand the reason she left, but I didn't hate her for the decision she made.

She told me that she would stay no matter what, but apparently I wasn't worth the fight.

"Jack, are you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm still here."

The weakness in her voice let me know that she had been crying before she called.

"I miss you."

"Then why didn't you stay? We could've fixed everything."

She didn't answer.

I blamed myself for her mistakes because I couldn't imagine life without her and I didn't want to have to, but everything happens for a reason.

I knew that the best thing for me was to let her go completely, no matter how difficult it would be for me.

I had faith in her, in our relationship, and even pictured is growing old together.

I didn't want to hold her back from anything in life that had potential to make her happy, so it was for the best.

{Sorry if this was terrible, but it's  what's written in my notebook. ☹️ 1. WATTPAD FUCKED UP MY ENTIRE LIBRARY AND MIXED UP EVERYTHING. 🔫 2. THIS BOOK SHOWS A 5SOS PREFERENCE FOR SOME REASON AND THAT IS IRRITATING MY SOUL 😡 3. DID JACK AND MADISON BREAK UP, OR WHAT? 👀 Anyway, if you listened to the song in the media then let me know what you think because this is my favorite song right now. 😌 If you don't know any of Phora's music then you've been missing out for a long time. 😐 I'm working on a miniseries, but not gonna say what it's about since I started he process of writing it about an hour ago. I kind of wanna do a song recommendation post of about 50 songs (or would that be too much?) because I see people doing that in their books sometimes and it's cool to see what type of music people are into. Let me know if that would be something you're interested in and I'll post that for sure. 😁 This is probably a long author's note, so I'm sorry. Don't forget to vote and comment. I appreciate the reads and all of that. Y'all are amazing. Until next time...✌🏾️}

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