For You

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I had quite the busy schedule for the day; between photoshoots, studio time and needing to pack.

Jack and I were getting ready for a quick shoot before going home for the holidays.

(Y/n) came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and one of my old shirts on her head to dry her hair. {IF YOU DON'T DRY YOUR HAIR WITH A SHIRT, THEN YOU SHOULD START!👀}

"Morning." She kissed my cheek.

"Good morning, gorgeous."

"Do you want me to make you something to eat?"

"Gonna have to decline today."

I noticed the expression on her face change.


"You're more than welcome to come with me and then we can go have breakfast together. I'm sure the guys won't mind." I gave her a smile.


(Your pov)

"Right on time, bro." Jack 'bro hugged' Shemoi before getting started with the shoot.

My eyes never left Jack and the smile on my face never disappeared.

I enjoyed watching him having fun and being himself; it made me happy.

"Ooo, someone's in love." Skeez bumped my shoulder and smirked.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes while laughing.

"Y'all are #relationshipgoals."

"We know, but thanks for the reminder."

"And...that's a wrap."

Jack walked towards me smiling then wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How was that?"

"Amazing! You're so handsome, baby." He blushed.


¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


"Thank you." I stood on my tip toes to kiss him.

We heard a camera then turned around to see a few pointed at us.

"Did they at least come out cute?" I asked, referring to the multiple pictures that were just taken.

"We always look cute, baby girl."

"True." Skeez and Gilinsky agreed.


"Yes?" Jack looked down at me. {HE'S ONLY TWO OR THREE INCHES TALLER THAN ME 😂}

"Can you do me a favor?"


"Please keep these glasses."

"You like them?"

"Hella heart-eyes."

"Alright, I guess they can stay."

"I know because you're blind."

"But you wear glasses too, (Y/n)."


{Thought I would give you guys a quick little update!😊 Does anyone else just stare at Johnson because he's so fucking beautiful? 😍}

Jack Johnson imagines {Completed}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora