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{I know I said I wasn't going to update a lot till after finals, but whatever}

I set up the camera near the window for the purpose of having as much natural lighting as possible.

Jack was going to flip shit, but it was going to be hilarious and uploaded in a couple of hours.

'Here goes nothing.' I said into the camera before placing a sheet around it so it wouldn't be too visible to him.

I sat on the bed and took a deep breath to get into character.



I waited for him to came upstairs and I was getting nervous.

He stood in the doorway looking at his phone.

"Um, I have something to tell you." I tried to sound as sad as possible.

"Are you pregnant?" It was so tempting to glare at him, but I couldn't.


"Did you cheat on me, (Y/n)?" He asked, despair present in his voice.

"No, I wouldn't ever do that to you."

"Okay, then what?"

"I-I may or may not have..."

"Spit it out, (Y/n)." He was getting impatient.

"I lost my engagement ring." I mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"I lost my engagement ring." I repeated a bit louder.


"Accidentally flushed it."

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO CALM RIGHT NOW?! IT'S LIKE YOU DON'T CARE!" He walked out of the room, fuming.

"Babe, wait!" Grabbing his arm was a fail because he was stronger than me, despite both of us being small.

I ran back into the room to grab the camera from the windowsill.


"Leave me alone, (y/full/n)." He had his head in his hands, crying.


"Why are you holding a camera? Seriously, fuck off." He shoved the camera away.

"It's a joke."

"Clearly marriage is a joke to you."

"Come on." I grabbed his hand, pulling him towards my closet.

I reached on the top shelf and pulled down the box I put my ring in.

"See." He finally cracked a smile and I wiped his tears.

"You're so annoying." He walked away.

"At least I know you love me."

{This was probably trash 💀💀💀}

Jack Johnson imagines {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now