Come around (p2)

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(Y/n)'s pov

One person can either make you so happy or they can hurt you.

As much as I wanted to hate Jack for using me, my heart wouldn't allow me to do so.

I couldn't take my mind off of him.

William (aka daddy 👅) stood at the door with a smile on his face, excited to see me, but I couldn't say the same about him. 

The idea of letting go of Jack to move on with my life was better in my mind because it wouldn't work out for me in reality

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The idea of letting go of Jack to move on with my life was better in my mind because it wouldn't work out for me in reality.

Though we weren't officially a couple, we were used to one another and knew everything about each other.

Starting over with another person wouldn't be fair to them because I wouldn't be able to give my all.

Clearly, my loyalty wouldn't be an issue because I've been attached to the same person for ages.

"How are you?" William asked, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"I'm alright, I guess." I shrugged.

He stared at me for a few seconds before speaking again.

"I know this isn't a good time,


"I'm fine."

"This is about Jack."


"Listen, I know that you two have a long history of love for one another, but he's too stubborn to commit."

"I don't-"

"Everyone can see that you and Jack are supposed to be together. Am I a little bit sad? Yes. Why? Because I genuinely like you. Besides all of that, you should go catch him before he goes far."


"I'm a man, (Y/n). We're stubborn as hell and sometimes we don't see the amazing woman in front of us till they're gone and moved on to someone new."

"You aren't upset?"

"Not at all. We could still be friends though, right?"

"Yes, of course." I wiped my tears before giving William a hug.

I called Jack to see where he had gone, but he didn't answer.

I didn't have to go far to find him because he went home after he left my house.

Being the polite person I am, I rang the doorbell.

Usually he would "scold" me for not using my key he had given me so he wouldn't have to get up, but obviously it wasn't the time for jokes and games.

When he saw me he lowered his head, but he let me in.

We didn't say anything.

I wrapped my arms around him and he eventually did the same.

He picked me up and started walking to his room.

The both of us were crying and it was bittersweet.

That showed me that he cared and that he was afraid to lose me.

In all of the years we've known each other, I don't recall him acting this way over any woman.

Jack had leaned over, but I didn't budge so I didn't know what was going on.

He moved his torso so that there was a newfound space between us.

"I was working on a plan to give you this." He opened a jewelry box, revealing a white gold diamond ring.

I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Promise ring?" I asked.

"It's probably childish and stupid, but I want you to know that I'm serious about us. I don't want to be with anybody else, just you. I am completely done with that lifestyle. I want us to be married, owning a house together, starting and raising a family. All that life throws at us, the ups and downs, I want it."

My heart was racing.

"What made you say all the things you did while you were at my house?"

"Just being a typical male."


"So (y/full/n), will you accept this ring?"


"Depends on what, my queen?"

"I get to pick our son's name."

"But I want a daughter."

"Too bad."

"If our baby turns out to be a boy then we'll try till you give me a daughter."

"Get the fuck out of here." I laughed and shook my head.

He gave me a kiss that I had been waiting for.

"We're so dysfunctional."

"That was all you, homie." He rolled his eyes at me.

"We have a long way to go, but we'll make it."

{I wrote this the other night, but didn't feel like posting it 👀 I know some people like happy ending and all of that good stuff ❤️ I tried to write something new two nights in a row, but I couldn't 😡 If the wording is strange in this and the next one then I'm sorry in advance, but I'll go back and edit. It's easier for me to write a night than during the day and sometimes I write while tired. Anyway, how is everyone?}

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