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If anyone ever tells you that moving is a fun time, throw them down a flight of stares and tell them that was fun.

Since (Y/n) has been working nonstop lately, me and some of the guys have been moving things from and (Y/n)'s current house into our new one. 

My schedule has been clear lately, so I took the responsibility for making sure everything got done in a timely manner.

when (Y/n) got back home from work I could see in her face that something was bothering her, but she wouldn't talk about it because she would feel as if she was bothering me.

"Hey, sweetheart." I took her blazer off and placed it on the coat rack.

"Hi." She gave me a side hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Side hugs and cheek kisses at once always meant that she was extremely tired.

I walked upstairs to find her laying straight across the bed with her face down.

She was stabilizing her breathing, something she did quite often; a sign of relaxation.

"You okay, babe?"

She shrugged.

I climbed onto her body carefully and began messaging her shoulders.

"This feels so good, I could cry."

"I believe you told me that a few weeks ago, but the position was different." I smirked.

"You are such a pervert." She would roll her eyes at me if she was able to.

"You set yourself up for that one." She tapped the side of my leg and giggled.


"Enjoying yourself, Miss (Y/n)?"

"Definitely." A moan slipped out, followed by a few more.

"I'm glad, but..."

"But what?"

She lifted her head, but didn't turn to me.

"If you continue moaning like that, this massage session will turn into something extra."

I didn't even have to look at her to know that she was smiling and biting her lip.

"Well Papi, if you continue moving your hands like that without intentions on making this anything more, I'll have to punish you."

{Came up with this one last week and the previous update about an hour ago, but I hope y'all like both of them. 😌 I'm gonna write and post a William Singe imagine because he's daddy af!!! 😫 'Daddy' is weird to me, but I can't help it. I AM IN LOVE WITH THAT MAN! 😍😍😍Anyone else a fan,or am I alone? Anyway, how's everyone's 2017 going so far? 🤓}

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