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{In honor of the end of Jadison ending 🙂LISTEN TO THE SONG IN MEDIA 😎 DO NOT take this serious and get mad at me for writing this. 😘 Continue...}

"I'm just not ready to go out."

Gilinsky had been walking around all sad and shit because his relationship with the child he had been babysitting crumbled like pie crust.

Johnson came back into our room and shook his head.

"No luck."

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"He's not going to just sit in his room."

"What else do you want me to do,

I walked to Gilinsky's room and harshly opened the door.

"GET YOUR ASS UP BECAUSE WE ARE GOING OUT!" He looked startled, but he got up.

Once we all finished getting dressed, looking like a better trio than Khloe, Kim, and Kylie then we headed out the door.

We couldn't trust Gilinsky to drive because he would've probably started crying while driving and possibly killed us all.

"Where are we going?"

He continuously asked questions and it was starting to irritate me.



"No!" Johnson and I yelled at him.

About 20 minutes later we arrived at our destination.

"Seriously? You two thought it would be funny to bring me to a club?"

"Well, you don't have a girlfriend anymore..." Johnson reminded him.

"So why the fuck not?" I asked in an amused tone.

"I don't want to be here, (Y/n)."

"Dude! Its been almost a week of nonstop sadness over Madison. You cannot and will not mope around forever because that isn't healthy. So what you're going to do is have a few drinks and possibly get laid. Understand?"

"Damn Johnson, you've got quite a feisty one."

"Indeed I do."

Jack and I high-fived each other and proceeded to walk behind G as he led the way.

We were relieved to see Gilinsky having a good time genuinely enjoying himself.

"I think I'm gonna text Madison." He slurred.

Jack and I didn't want him having too much fun.

"No!" I snatched his phone and tossed it to Jack.

"The purpose of this was to get your mind off of Madison."

"No drunk texting your ex."

"" He busted into a fit of giggles like a school girl.

The night was bound to get more interesting... did.

It ended with Gilinsky having loads to drink, getting a lap dance and a few numbers.

"I'm proud of you, my boy." I ruffled his hair.

"Jack?" Someone called out.

"She better not be talking to you." I side-eyed Johnson and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

We all turned around and saw a lady standing by the door.

"Who's that?" I questioned.

"Um, Alexis...Alicia...Allison. Fuck, I don't remember her name." He started walking away from us when she started walking toward him.

"Where are you going?"

"With her...duh."

He's funny and a snobby little shit when he's wasted.

"I hope you two don't mind if I steal him for the night." She introduced herself as Alexis.

"So that's her name." I heard Gilinsky mutter.

"Of course we don't. Keep him as long as you want." Johnson replied.

"Have a nice night you two." I winked at them.

Jack and I watched them get into her car and drive off.

"Should we wait up for him?"

"Trust, he won't be coming back for awhile."

{Sorry if you're a hardcore Jadison shipper 😇 Don't forget to vote and leave feedback 😋 Until next time...✌🏾️}

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