It's Complicated- Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Emma stared into her bowl of now soggy Raisin Bran, her head in her hands.

Adam had just left for work for the day, and this morning, she was feeling miserable and guilty.

Last night with Adam had been fantastic, as it always was, but there had been a glitch.


The only way Emma was able to reach the peak of her pleasure last night was to imagine Bennett in Adam's place, and it made her feel awful. It had never happened before, and she was damned if it would happen again.

It had been Bennett's mouth on hers, Bennett's hands all over her body and Bennett inside her. It had all been him, and she could not help it. She loved Adam, yes, but last night, she had been mentally unfaithful.

Her uneaten bowl of cereal ending up in the sink, she considered heading out for the day, although where she would go was completely beyond her. There was nothing really for a twenty three year old to do in such an incredibly small town, where the population was in the hundreds and the nearest town was over an hour away, and with no license to drive.

The majestic scenery of mountain tops and bushland as far as the eye could see may have been a goldmine to hikers and the likes, but for Emma it was nothing more than that. Scenery. She had never hiked in her life, and hiking mountains seemed way beyond her capabilities. As serene and as far away as she could possibly be, she was unhappy.

Retreating sluggishly down the hallway and to the back of the room, she sat down on the bed, grabbing the handles of her cupboard, she opened it up and knew exactly what she was going to do.


Looking at herself in the mirror, Emma smiled. She felt close to normal now, with her red evening dress on and her long blonde hair curled and flowing down her back. The slight eyeliner around her blue eyes and bright red lipstick sealed the deal. She was alive now, happy.

In her mind, Bennett was taking her out tonight. Andy would be waiting in the black Bentley and they might even go to either one of their parents house. Emma just adored Mr and Mrs Dean's mansion in Lloyd's Neck, right by the beach. Or maybe they would pack their bags and head out to Bennett's family vacation home in The Hamptons. Summer was almost over, and it would be great to spend the last few weeks of it by the beach.

Or maybe they would find themselves back in the apartment they had shared, and Mrs Hayne would fix them a delicious dinner. They could just stay in, and Bennett could help her out of this dress...

Looking around the room, listening to the birds chirping outside she closed her eyes and dreamed of the days when she was happy with Bennett. It did not even take looking deep inside her to know that she wanted to be home in New York City, happy again with Bennett and with a restored relationship with her family. Being here hurt, because although she loved Adam, he had felt like a forced choice and not necessarily the one she would have made. But seeing Bennett with Genevieve had left her with no other option.

A car horn blared suddenly just outside her cabin, startling Emma out of her reverie. Looking outside the window, and seeing the dirt road and mountaintops in the distance, her heart sank as she snapped back to reality.

With tears sliding down her face, she stood up, only to change her clothes and remove her make up, before she laid herself back down on the bed, and cried until she fell asleep.


"Emma? Emma, wake up,"

Emma's eyes slowly fluttered open as she returned to reality. Twilight had descended.

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