To New Beginnings- Epilogue

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And so it seemed, forgiveness had come.

Emma had made a stunning bride, and Bennett, a dashing groom.

The day had gone off perfectly, without a hitch. In the beautiful and private sandy beach on the Dean’s private estate in The Hamptons, Emma and Bennett had become husband and wife.

Emma could not have been happier.

That was several months ago now, and life since then had resumed some sort of normalcy that they were happily adjusting to.

Emma was re enrolled in New York University, completing her teaching degree and Bennett was still conquering the real estate world partnered alongside his father.

Tonight, Emma was making a meal at home just for the two of them.  Cooking had become something she enjoyed doing from time to time, as there was still Mrs Haynes who took charge of the domestic duties. Emma was grateful for that, it was one of the luxuries she was quite thankful for. Yes, sometimes she did feel as though her privacy was being invaded just a little, but for the most part Mrs Haynes kept to herself. It was a small price to pay for having a constantly immaculate home and all meals ready and waiting.

Though tonight, Emma had given her the night off.

When she heard Bennett’s footsteps in the hallway, she contained her squeal of delight. Oh how she never tired of him.

The candlelit table was ready and waiting, and so was Emma. She was dressed in a lovely soft pink dress and white sandals. Her hair fell in soft curls down her shoulders. She always made the effort for Bennett, even when they were simply staying home.

Bennett entered the room and stopped short when he saw Emma waiting at the table. He smiled.


“Hi,” Her voice was almost a whisper.

“What’s all this? It looks like you have gone to some trouble,” He asked teasingly, loosening his tie.

“I thought I’d give Mrs Haynes the night off and cook my husband some dinner,”

Bennett walked over to her and she inhaled his manly scent. So good.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently.

“You’re a good wife,” He whispered.

Emma held him and allowed him to envelope her in his arms. She loved him so much.

“I’m trying to be,”

“You’re doing just fine,”

Dinner was lovely. Emma had tried her hand at apricot chicken with all the trimmings and it had turned out quite well. Both of them were impressed.

“I won’t tell Mrs Haynes how good it was. She might feel disposable,” Bennett  chuckled as he finished his last forkful.

Emma smiled back. “As much as I enjoy doing this now and again, I’m quite happy to leave Mrs Haynes to it,”

She stood and placed both of their dishes in the sink, along with their wine glasses.

As she turned to walk out of the kitchen, she felt Bennett’s arms wrap around her waist.

“I’m looking forward to dessert,” He nibbled at her ear, ever so softly.


Emma’s knees grew weak at the sensations that shimmered down her spine.

“So am I,” She replied, tuning to face him.

“You look beautiful,” He kissed her mouth, pulling at her bottom lip.

Emma moaned softly as everything down below clenched deliciously.

She wanted him so much.

Having nearly lost him before, to circumstances that now seemed so worthless, she was grateful his loved matched hers, if not more so.

Adam had paid his dues, and was ordered to not only stay away from Emma, but also to three years imprisonment for the assault on her at Abby’s apartment that night.

But that was a distant memory. Emma felt complete closure at that, and put it all behind her.

For now all that her future held was brightness, positivity and happiness. She was going to not only be Bennett’s wife, she was going to be a better daughter and sister.  She was going to have a career, and a life with meaning and purpose.

She felt liberated and accomplished.

And this was only the beginning.

“Let’s go have dessert. In bed,” Emma took his hand and led him towards their bedroom.

“I can’t wait,” Bennett replied, as he followed her.

And neither could Emma.

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