Sins of The Past- Chapter Six

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High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life

Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time

Hold still right before we crash 'cause we both know how this ends

A clock ticks 'til it breaks your glass and I drown in you again

'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need

Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?

If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

Clarity - Zedd

Chapter Six

"Your one lucky girl, Emma,"

"Ava, how many times are you going to remind me? I know," Emma's head was not going to fit  through the door at this rate. Her friend Ava was relentless.

"So have you kissed him yet?" Ava pressed on, twirling a finger around her shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. Her brown eyes were wide with wonder and curiosity. Emma had to laugh.

It was not unusual for the girls to be all worked up over relationships. In Bainbridge, Ohio where the population was less than a thousand people, girls and boys that wound up in relationships were the talk of the town. Emma managing to make the baddest boy in town fall in love with her, well that was unbelievable. Quiet, shy and introverted, Emma had bagged the hottest, sexiest and meanest bad boy around. It was every girls dream come true, especially around here.

"Kissed him?" Emma blushed. Lately, they had been doing a lot more than kissing. She shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the cafeteria table. As far as anyone knew, they had only just begun dating, when in fact they had been hiding their relationship for almost a year. "Yes, we have kissed,"

Ava clapped her hands together and squealed. "Oh, wow! Is he a good kisser?"

"Ava, that's enough," Emma laughed. Her face was turning beet red and she did not want to draw attention to herself. Just the thought of how far they had almost gone last night made Emma's heart rate pick up, and the familiar bursts of fireworks to go off spontaneously down below. She loved how he made her feel.

She loved him, everything about him.


She was thankful that she had grown up with Adam, always in the same classes at school, and living down the road from the trailer park he lived in with his father. A deep friendship bloomed between them from a very early age. They were in the same class at school, and a simple hello out in the street one afternoon found them looking for each other every day. Where the rest of their friends and other children their age were worrying about catching cooties and germs, they always were friends. It was a connection they had that was strong.

There was no mother around for Adam. He had told Emma that she had taken off after he was born, and he also told her that his father drank too much and would hit him.  When she told this to her parents, they were worried about his safety and let him spend time at their house as opposed to being with his father. At  eight years old, such a young age, Emma and Adam's relationship was nothing more than innocent, and her parents never gave it a second thought.

But the older they got, the less time Emma's mom, Lydia, wanted Adam around. Her father, George had begun leaving to New York City on business and he was gone for weeks on end. Back then Emma had no idea that he was trying to work his way into a partnership with his friend Roger Howard at his law firm. Her father was already a successful lawyer in Ohio, so she had no reason to suspect that he was after more. So by the time Emma had turned thirteen, Lydia started coming up with excuses as to why Adam could not come over.

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