It's Complicated- Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The insistent yet soft tapping on her back was what finally woke Emma up from a deep sleep.

After the emotionally draining morning, and the revelation that had sent her into a nosedive straight to the gates of despair, Emma had hung up the phone, taken two Advil's and went straight to bed. The crying had left her with a massive headache, burning eyes and completely unable to function. She had fallen straight to sleep without even having a chance to think about anything Abby had told her. She was glad for the reprieve.

"Emma come on, wake up," It was Adam.

When Emma was able to peel her eyes open she saw the entire room was shrouded in darkness. She let out a tortured moan as she turned in slow motion from her stomach onto her back to look up at Adam.

He had that same worried look as yesterday evening, when she had fallen asleep all day. So much had happened in the space of one day that it felt like weeks ago.

She only had to look into those gorgeous sea blue eyes, the slight sexy stubble on his chin and his bare chest for her hormones to begin racing, and desire to sweep through her body. It was a pleasant, tingling sensation that rippled way down below, a hunger a need for him to satisfy. She loved that he made her feel this way, that the chemistry between them was still so strong it was tangible. Breaking into a devious grin, she pulled him down on top of her.

She was glad he had showered before attempting to wake her up, as she inhaled the clean, soapy smell. The desperation in her sudden need for him would not have been controlled or stopped, clean or not. Kissing him deeply, passionately, she willed him even closer, daring him to take away the shattered fragments of the day.

He responded fully, lifting up her shirt and pulling it up over her head. Her bra was next, removed in a quick snap of the clasps. She held him so close, so hard up against her.

"Emmy, baby, are you okay?" He broke off the kiss to look straight into her eyes.

Panting with need, her blazing blue eyes locked into his concerned blue. He really was worried, Emma knew that, and it just made her hurt all the more. She smiled at him, faking her reassurance, hoping he would buy it.

"Of course I am okay, Adam. Why wouldn't I be?" Her voice was breathy, laced with a heated eagerness.

"This is the second time I've found you sleeping the day away." He was a little more in control of this situation, his concerns seemingly overshadowing his fervor.

Emma shook her head. "Don't worry about it Adam. I'm done with thinking for tonight. I don't want to think anymore. I just want to forget about everything," She pulled him in for another kiss. "Everything,"

He spoke no more as he gave in to her, and she took full advantage. She allowed herself to be swept away, to lose herself in him. His capable hands, his strong, powerful arms, all knowing the right ways to hold and touch her. It was as though he had never been away, and now, in this moment, she needed to know that they had this.

It was an intense, raw chemistry, built on all those previous years of waiting and longing. Before there had been Bennett, but before Bennett had shown her that there could be someone else, the yearning for Adam had been strong, suffocating. She was gorging on him, binging and making up for lost time. She needed her fill of him, before the need ran dry. Every night proved the same when she saw him, the urge to have him in bed, to sate her and love her this way. Bennett no longer made any appearances when she was wrapped in Adam, now that time was slowly passing, and she was becoming accustomed to what he had to give.

"You know I love you so much," He whispered in her ear, as their now naked bodies became one.

She closed her eyes and sighed deeply as she lost herself in him. 

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