Sins Of The Past - Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Emma was surprised to awaken alone in bed the following morning. How she had gotten there was something she did not remember. Her jeans were off, and she was wearing only her t-shirt and underwear. It concerned her to realise that Adam was the one who had put her there, when she had been hiding away from the violent outburst that had erupted between them just hours ago.

Her head throbbed  as she dragged herself out of the bed and back to the bathroom. The house seemed quiet, too quiet. Adam was not working today, which made her wonder where he was.

After freshening up, she walked slowly to the lounge room. No Adam. Moving on to the kitchen and dining, still there was no sign of him.

Peering out of the window, Emma looked out into deserted streets. He was not out there, either.

Back in her bedroom. her phone began to ring. It was a noise that she was not use to hearing, as it had not rang for some time. Her hopes soared as she ran to get it, in the hopes it was someone from back home. She wished it to be Abby, and she could barely contain her excitement when she saw that it was indeed her best friend. No-one could see her pain through the phone, and with just a different tone in her voice, no-one had to hear it, either. It was time to put the mask on.

"Abby, hey,"

"Emma! How are you?" Abby sounded excited to hear her voice.

"I'm great, thanks. How are things?" Emma wondered if she had bought it. 

"Yeah, things are going great."

There was a small silence, and with it, Emma felt the slightest unease. "Is everything okay?" She had to ask.

"Everything is fine, Emma. But you do remember it's your dad's birthday on Friday, don't you?"

Crap, She had not remembered.

"Of course I do. I was planning on calling him,"

"Well, Emma, to be honest with you, I've got an open ticket to New York in my hand just for you,"

The words made Emma weak at the knees. She had to sit down on the end of her bed to fully comprehend this. Her father had bought her a ticket home? After everything?

"Dad bought it?" She asked, bewildered. She imagined he would be furious at her, not handing out flight passes in hopes of getting her home.

Abby cleared her throat, "Um- yeah, it was your father,"

Emma frowned. That did not sound believeable at all. But for now, Emma could not argue it.

Home. New York City. There was no way she was going to pass this oppurtunity up, no matter how Abby aquired the ticket.

"Is there only one ticket in your hand?" She had to know. Although she was not sure if she wanted to take Adam to New York after what had happened last night. she still had to know.

"Yes, Emma, just the one," 

Emma sighed loudly, emphasising her annoyance. The truth was she was simply bursting to get home, to see her family, Abby and possibly even Bennett. But leaving Adam behind here? She wasn't sure if she could do that.

"I'm coming. If Adam wants to join me, I'll get him a ticket," The words came out before they had even registered in her mind.

How could she say no? It was her father's birthday, after all. She had to go see him.

"You will? Oh gosh, I'm so excited! I'll mail this out to you right now, bye!" 

Before Emma could say another word, the phone hung up.

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