To New Beginnings- Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Walking to Bennett’s office building made Emma feel like she was almost back to where it all began. The same giddiness, butterflies and nerves she felt the day he had invited her for lunch last year were back.

After she had called him and asked him if he would like to meet up for lunch, or even just coffee, she was beside herself when he had agreed.

This morning she had taken extra care to look good for her lunch date. Her hair fell in soft waves down her back and over her right shoulder. A cream blouse teamed with black slacks and black pumps made her feel confident she would fit into the Dean Industries atmosphere. She did not want to feel out of place, even if she was merely walking into the building.

The receptionist that greeted her at the front counter smiled warmly at Emma,  putting her at ease. Compared to the first time she had been here, when she was made to feel as though she was far from welcome.

“Miss Black?” The receptionist said as she Emma opened her mouth to speak.

Emma stopped. How did she know her name?

Sensing the confusion in Emma’s face, she giggled. “I sent you on up a few times when you were here more often. You probably don’t recall me,”

Emma frowned. Unfortunately she did not. By the time she frequented this place, she would simply walk straight past and assume she was beyond having to check in with reception. Apparently they still had a job to do.

“I’m sorry,” Emma felt herself blushing.

“It’s fine. Go on up, Mr Dean is expecting you,”

Smiling at her once more, Emma made her way over to the elevators.

Her hands were beginning to sweat as she waited for the doors to open.

How was he going to react when he saw her? Yes, he had accepted her invitation to have lunch, but what was he really thinking? Did he even want to have lunch with her, or was he going to use this as a stepping stone to give her away?

She had worked herself up into such a state that by the time she reached his level, she did not even notice she was there.

Tentatively she walked on out, dread beginning to surge through her as she doubted why she even came.

If he’s getting rid of you, you can hear it now and move on, She told herself.

Trouble with that was, she was unsure whether she was ready to hear it from him. Yes, she had made leaps and bounds in trying to get her life back on track once and for all, but she wanted this part to work.

Want, yes. Need, no.

She would be fine without him, if she had to be.  Just like she was going to be fine without Adam.

As she reached his reception area, she noticed him standing there, waiting for her. It stopped her in her tracks.

It had been months since she had seen him, and although she had not forgotten what he looked like, he still took her breath away.

Black suit, white shirt and a green tie that matched his eyes to a tee. His blonde slicked back hair still perfectly in place. Tall, muscular and oozing sex appeal. He was so handsome. So sexy.

It took all self control she had not to run over to him and throw her arms around him. She wanted to feel him, to smell him, to hold him like she use to.

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