To New Beginnings- Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

The same nightmare wrenched Emma out of her sleep once more.

Adam’s hands, curled around her neck, squeezing much too tightly. She woke up struggling to breathe, her mouth wide open as she gasped for air with tears streaming down her face.

When her mind finally came to realise she was safe at home, she slowly began to calm down, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. Her pounding heart was the last thing to recover as she lay down and stared up at the ceiling, feeling deflated.

Yesterday had been such a different day, it held so much promise. After her therapy session, the walk around Central Park had been joyous and refreshing. She had come home feeling re energised, a little happier and with a more positive outlook.

But now, well now she felt as though she was back to square one.

She refused to think about Adam, not allowing herself to give in to replaying everything all over again. It had been done, time and time again, and now it was getting old.

How she wished she could just pick up the phone and call Bennett, hear his calming voice, run to him and feel safe in his arms.

But that was something she could not do as well. Bennett needed time, just as much as she did.

Sighing, Emma forced her eyes closed and spent the next few hours tossing and turning in an attempt to get back to sleep.  At four a.m, it finally worked, and she fell asleep.

“Hey, how did you sleep last night?” Abby asked, as soon as Emma stepped foot out of her room.

Emma smiled, “I slept ok. I had another nightmare though. It kept me up for a while,”

There was no point in lying about it to Abby. She had hid the nightmares on most occasions, but other times Abby herself would have to wake her up from them. Emma knew Abby deserved to know the truth, and that is what she would give her.

Abby frowned. “That sucks. After such a great day that had to bring you down?”

“Well, actually Abby I’m not letting it get me down. I have plans for today, and they do not include moping around this apartment all day,” Emma was excited at the prospect of what she was about to get ready and go do.

Abby raised an eyebrow, curious. “Well are you going to tell me?”

“I’m going to see if I can get back to work at Rock’s,”

Abby clapped her hands together. “Yes,” She said. “I like that!”

After a quick breakfast of cereal and a coffee, Emma put on her jeans, a light pink off the shoulder sweater and her black flats. With a quick application of some lip gloss and eyeliner, she walked out of the building, tying her hair back as she went.

The five minute walk to Rock’s Deli was another cool and crisp one. Emma did not mind this weather, it was so fresh and clean.

When Johnny saw her walking in, he smiled broadly, genuinely pleased to see her.

“Emma,” He said. “It’s so nice to see you,”

Emma returned the smile, although a little forced, she was still happy to see her former employer and the Deli itself. It was always a bustling, busy place and Emma needed the distraction. She just hoped that Johnny would think her well enough to take her back.

“So, what brings you here?” He asked, motioning for her to take a seat at a window table.

Emma sat down and Johnny sat across from her, his hands folded on top of the table.

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