Chapter 6

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// sorry I haven't been updating! Also tell me if these chapters are too short cause they seem to be short or something. Well yeah, enjoy guys! \\

《Emily's POV》

I'm gonna be honest, I hate people. They are always in your business and stuff. They ruin everything.

It was never like that until HE came into my life. He just dances into my life like an unusual person would! How could he.....

"Ready to go?"

Oh no....... it was Jake. I forgot I was going to his house today. Why do I make these mistakes. As a matter of fact why am I here if I'm a mistake.

I forgot that I was looking up at him. I was just staring at him. He had this strange look on his face.

I nodded and got up. We walked out to his car. I didn't notice it until I got in, he had dark circles under his eyes.

It looked like he had a little makeup on.

What had he been doing.......

《Jake's POV》

I was really hoping that she wouldn't notice the dark circles. I tried to fix it with makeup.

The truth was, I couldn't go to sleep. I was always pacing my room wondering why she had to go through all of..........this.

No one should go through this. Not even random people that I don't know. It's horrible that people do this.

These teens don't need this in their lives. They can't be ignored.


I didn't realize that I was gripping the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles where white as snow. I was also going way over the speed limit which was 45 mph.

"Sorry....." I muttered.

What is happening to me? One moment I was all happy and ready to go on with life and the next thing I know is that I'm in the middle of depression and suicide.

What have I gotten myself into. Have I mentioned that my grades are dramatically decreasing. I'm never gonna get to college.

~ in his room ~

We put our bags on the floor and I feel on the bed. I sighed. I sat up and patted the seat in front of me.

She sat down and pulled her sleeves down adjusting her hoodie to cover up her arms and wrists even though I knew what she had done and what she was hiding.

The silence was deafening . She was playing with her fingers.

I lifted up her chin with my hand and moved in. I didn't know what I was doing but she let me do it.

Our lips touched..............

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