Chapter 8

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// ok so um, I'm going to be super evil this chapter so yeah. Mwahahaha. Lol so yeah. Enjoy \\

《Emily's POV》

I didn't know what to expect. I walked in the next day with crutches but only to find out that Jake had been beaten to a pulp.

I didn't know why, how, or who but it was a horrifying sight to see. No bandages to cover up his wounds. They were black, blue, a greenish which probably indicated an infection, and red.

A dark crimson red all over. It was dried but shiny from his body trying to recover. I ran slash limped over since my crutches were in the way.

"W-what hap-pened?"

"I'll explain later" He grunted in pain.

It looked like it was painful to breath. I followed him to the clinic where he callapsed in a heap on the floor. The nurse practically leaped to his side and carefully brought him to the bed.

She looked at me for a little help. I hobbled over and tried to help the best I could. There was a crowd following behind us looking through the doorway at him. I hobbled back to the other side of the room and shut the door so they couldn't peek in and gossip. They didn't need to see him like this. He was in a horrible state.

I noticed a tape in his pocket. I took it out and looked at the nurse who was too busy to worry about what I was doing.

I quickly put it in my pocket and hobbled away. I peeked out the door and manuverd through it.

I went strait home instead of going to my class. Like they would notice my presence in the room.

It took forever to get home. I collapsed on my couch in a heap. I had momentarily forgotten why I had gone home but remembered the tape in her back pocket.

I took out the tape and crawled over to the TV to insert the tape. I put it in and crawled back to the couch. I grabbed the remote and pressed play.

I watched intently and then heard a voice. I saw a room dimly lit with many weapons. Mostly whips if different shapes and sizes. Some where normal but different material while others had sharp blades or talons at the end.

The voice got louder and heard a loud thud. A woman walked into the frame practically dragging.........Jake............ she was dragging Jake to the other end if the room.

I didn't want to know what happened. I watched in horror of what happened next. I couldn't take it anymore. I rewinds the tape and made it eject from the TV.

I grabbed the tape and put it in my back pocket. I hobbled out the door and started the long trek back to the school.

~at the school~

Police cars. There where two right outside of the school. I slowly approached the clinic and walked in.

"Ms, you must leave unless you have some sort of tape on you."

I nodded and reached to my back pocket. He looked at me with suprise on his face. I looked passed him at Jake.

He looked at me with worried eyes. He saw my hand and sighed in relief. I gave the officer the tape but he asked me questions about why I had it.

I told him that i was helping him and I was keeping it safe from others who would probably post bad things or start rumors about him.

He nodded and proceeded back to the other officer. They injected the tape and watched it showing no emotions.

I went to sit next to Jake until I realized he looked nervous. I took his hand in mine and let him play with my hand. I rested my head on his shoulder careful to avoid any wounds.

"I-it's gonna b-be o-ok."

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