Chapter 13

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I walk down the cold streets. As I look around, I see people almost everywhere. I am only walking because there is no place to park. I am suppose to be meeting someone at a fish market just a couple of stores down. I loose trace of thought while I am walking and I accidently pass up my destination. Only because I had my mind on Talia; that we are a couple of blocks from her apartment.

I begin to turn around and enter the Fish Market.

We do the usually routine. He hands me the the money and I hand him the drugs.

I start to think alot about talia. Im not in love with her but I do miss her. She is so cute and for the first time she makes me feel like im doimg something right.

I begin walking again and I see and ederly man selling flowers. They look cheap and worn out but I still but one. He's just a poor old man trying to get his hustle on. Kind of like me.

What has my life become?

Am I just a man with no happiness?

Before I know it I am walking up the steps of Talia's apartment. I gently place my hand over the peephole and I knick with my other hand. As I sit and wait I here footsteps come up to the door slowly, followed by a click. I asume that she has unlocked the door. With my hand still covering the peephole , I slowly move away from the door while it is being opend.

Talia's face it revealed. Her face is shock but then it quickly fades to anger. She attempt to slam the door in my face but I stop the door just in time with my food.

Not gonna lie. That hurt.

"Go away!" She says loudly but I ignore her, pushing past the door. I gently force the door close and lock it.

"We have to talk," my voice has no emotion.

"OH now you wanna talk to me? But when I wanted to talk about things you just had to go!" She isn't yelling but it's known that's she's angry.

"I was going through some things."

"I don't give a fuck what you going through. You told me you liked me and that you wanted to be with me. I don't have time to be playing games . Life is too short , so if you don't act right I'm pretty sure another nigga will," She says while opening the door and attempting to push me out.

Now I'm mad.

"Will another dude buy you everything you want? Will he like you for you. Will he take the time to send you flowers? Will he my you $1,500 shoes?" Right now I'm huffing and puffing.

"Let's me tell you something, " I point my index finger towards her forehead.

"Don't," I touch her forehead and her head rocks back.

"You," I do it again.

"Ever," again.

"Compare," again.

"Me," again .

"To," again

"Somebody," again.

"Else, " I do it for the last time and she stays silent.

"Baby girl you better ask about me," I say in anger.

"I'm sure everybody know about you," She fires back.

"I have no idea what you are trying to infer but next time keep your comments to yourself,"

"Freedom of speach," She gets louder.

"Freedom of speach don't exist in my presence. You talk when I say you talk," I warn her.

"You don't own me!" She yells.

"Not at the moment," I raise my eyebrow and she sits quite.

"So are you over your bitch little attitude?" I walk towards her but she slowly backs away.

"You the one with the attitude. One moment you happy, then you sad, and then you mad," She smacks and shales her head.

"Extra bipolar ass. I bet yo' ass crazy," She starts joking but I put my head down. She notices and her expression changes.

I hate when people call me crazy.

Everyone use to call me that in school because of my anger problems.

I wouldn't just get mad like other bipolar people. I think it was because I didn't take my medicine and I still don't take it. I went from yelling at teachers to knocking down trashcans. I also remember this time I liked this girl and I wanted to talk to her so I offered her some of my candy.
She had told me no. She said she didn't want anyone thinking she was my friend. She told me I was poor, wierd , and crazy.

"Zayn, are you okay?" Talia snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I lie.

"You really think I'm crazy?" I ask.

"No, I was only kidding."

Something tells me she wasnt.

"So why did you come here?" Talia asks. I can tell she's serious.

"I was just passing by," I whisper.

"Sure you where. You know you couldn't resist this," She points up and down to her body.

I laugh.

Not because it's true, but because she was built like a piece of paper. She barely had tittle and it was pretty obvious her but was small.

"I don't think so," I burst out laughing and she laughs with me.

"You better be glad you cute," I laugh.

"When I get rich and famous I'm gonna buy me a body," She jokes.

"Please don't, "

"Friends?" Talia says.

"Umm. No," I reply and Talia displays a look of confusion.

Why the hell would I waste my time being friends with her when we can just get right to the case

"Why can't we pick up where we left off?" I ask.

"Because we left off as nothing," The words she spoke made me feel some type of way. I way that I cannot explain. I huge lump grew in my throat as I tried not to react to the sudden words.

"What have I ever did to make you act this way with me," I ask in confusion. The expression on my face hard to read. According to her reaction, I took her by surprise.

"I have the same question for you. I thought we were doing great. Then all of a sudden you stop talking to me. Did I do something wrong?" Her voice is Stern and serious.

"You did nothing wrong . I just want to be more that friends."

She laughs,"You really are bipolar!"

I stand up.

"First you say your not ready for a relationship," She pauses in her sentence. "You know what? Your absolutely right! I don't even know why I agreed to actually start a relationship with you. I barely even know you! For all I know , you can be a killer!," She laughs and I freeze.

"Okay fine. How about we really start over and I get to know you. We can just be friends. Nothing more nothing less," I say .

"No thank you. Get the hell out of my apartment," She points to the front door.

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