Chapter 8

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A/N: watching one direction tv special! shit got me pumped! Zayn was looking hot as ever with his little head band and ponytail. Zayns golden eyes. Louis looked like a British bad boy with his mustache and detail ed voice!!!Omg Harry's nose was red the whole time, I think he has a cold. Niall played guitar and danced in.bus underwear. Omg they recorded in a hotel!! there whole album! Liam was bossy and Harry rolled his eyes. k I'm done.

Btw nicki ninja only video came out!! shit dope ad!!


Talia's POV

I turned my head back around, facing the door. I let out a heavy sigh and placed my hand on the cold nob, turning quickly.

  It hurt my feelings. It hurt my feelings that he wouldn't let me get to know him. It hurt my feelings that he was messing around with that walking STD.

Okay maybe I am over exaggerating the situation. I mean, I don't even know the girl.

"Aye, Did you hear me," He says in a muffled tone. I turn my head towards him in disbelief and a sniffle escapes my mouth

"Yeah," I squeak and run out of his room. I hear his bed bounce and his feet pad across the floor. His hand touches my arm and I jerk back.

"So you're just going to leave like that?" He asks in disbelief.


"Obviously. You rub that you had sex with another girl in my face, therefore I'm wasting my time," I huff.

"You are not wasting your time!" His voice gets louder, but not too loud.

"Yes I am! I only have known you for a month, yet I insist on getting to know you! Not to mention, a week after we have met, you called me you girlfriend. Then you go and sleep with another girl! And you want to know the worst p-," I am rudely interrupted.

"I didn't know what I wante-" He says calmly and I invade his sentence.

"Shut the hell up, I'm leaving," I mumble and turn on my feet.

   In an instant, He grabs by my shoulders and turns me around. His hand are on each side of my shoulder and his jaw is clenched. His hair is still perfectly in his small, low ponytail and he bites the inside of his cheek.

"Who the fuck are you talking too, huh?" He raises his voice and I don't answer. My hear begins to beat fast inside of my chest. By this time, a lump groans and my throat.

"Zayn Malik," I squeak. His hand tighten their grip, but not too hard. He stares down at me and he furrows his eyebrows.

"No the the hell you are not! I wish the fuck you would!" His voice stays its previous tone.

"Don't you ever..." His voice trails off.

"I will fucking Shake you!" Zayn roughly holds my shoulders and shakes me roughly. My heart beats out of my chest and my knees begin to tremble.

"Go sit your ass down!" He finishes and points to the couch.

"B-But, I wanna leave," I tear rolls down my face and his face remains clenched.

"I don't give a fuck! Go sit your ass down like I said!" He looks at me like I have killed his mother and I nod my head, scurrying to the couch.

"As a matter of fact, go get your ass in the bed!" He points and I run to the bed, not wanting to upset him.


It's been two hours since he has sent me to his room. I felt like a child. He ordered me around like I was his child.  

  I got out of bed. My feet tip toed out of his room and down the hall. I continued my adventure downs the hall, slowly walking, to reveal Zayn sleeping on his couch. He looks like an angel, but he isn't. It has to be at least twelve-thirty a.m and I am sure he is fast asleep.

I tip toe across the living room and stop at the door. A voice startles me.

"Aye,".Zayn groans and I slowly turn around. He sits up from the couch and rubs his eyes.

"Where you going?" He says sleepily and I shake my head. He pays the part of the couch on the side of him, but I ignore him.

"Come here," Zayn groans and I slowly walk towards him and sit down.

"I am sorry," He looks me in the eye. His eyes shine and his features feel with regret. I sniffle and while my eyes. I continuously wipe eyes, followed by more and more sniffles.

"Did I hurt your feelings?" He asks and I nod my head continuously, and I sniffle more. His eyes soften and he grabs my face with both of his hands. Zayns thumb wipes the tears off of my face, as I sniffle more.

"Please don't cry! I said I was sorry, ok? Please, Please don't cry," He continues wiping the tears rolling down my cheeks and more sniffles escape.

"You," I hiccup.

"You," I hiccup again.

Zayn's eyes feel with mercy.

"You were being so mean to me!," The tears continue rolling down my face.

"I'm so sorry,," His arms open and I fall into them. He runs my back in circles and I continue my tears.


End of chapter 8 aaaaaayeee!


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