Chapter 1

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A/N: just played COD AW shot got me pumped!


Talia's POV


    It's a Cold winter night. I shiver as tingles run through my pale body. It is colder than any other night. I begin to shiver more as the cold wind blows at my body. My teeth chatter as I run my hand up and down my arms. My ride still hasn't come yet and it's been at least two hours.

"Do you need a ride?" I deep and husky voice says. I jump slightly surprised. I hadn't even notice he was here.

"No thank you, I have one," I say to the strange man politely. I quickly turn my head, not wanting to make eye contact with the stranger.

"Really? You've been here for hours," He concludes. I shift in the spot I am standing in uncomfortably.

"And how would you know that?"

"I don't have to explain myself," He says in a low voice. My pulse begins to quicken.

   I am shivering not only because it is cold, I am now shivering because I am frightened. His look says it all. You can tell a lot about someone's approach. His tone was sharp and confident. He didn't greet me properly and he already knows where I've been the last two hours.

   You also can tell a lot about someone's appearance. Just like you can tell whether a person is happy or sad. His hair was slicked back, meaning he is slightly more mature than most boys on this campus. Caramel eyes to charm a girl. Tattoos up and down his arm, giving him the bad boy appearance. You don't even have to observe him to tell he is a lady's man.

"See you," He says and when I turn to look at him, He is gone.

Head light distract me from my sudden trance and I notice my ride pulling up. I walk down the side walk and through the grass. When I reach the car, I open the door and climb into the passenger seat.

"Sorry it took so long!  Mom wanted me to pick Toby up from karate practice!" London says tired.

"I forgot Toby took karate. What belt is he?" I ask her while handing her a bottle of water. Before the starts driving, she takes a sip of the water and speeds down the street.

"I don't know, but he has a tournament coming next week. Do you want to come?" She offers.

"I don't know. I'll have to see what happens," I answer while biting my lip.


  I wake up to the sound of my alarm. It is eleven in the morning and I am not ready for work. I lazily drag my feet out of bed and onto the floor. My hand reaches for my phone and I turn the annoying sound off.

  I do my hair in a bun. I put on my usual khakis and a black shirt. After I was finished getting ready, I headed out of my tiny apartment door and to the bus stop.


  The bus came fifteen more minutes than usual, but I still made it to work on time. I enter the Starbucks building through the back entrance quietly and make my way to the front desk. I take the orders of a several men and women for at least an hour. Today is a slow day and customers are no longer coming in. Only few every thirty to forty minutes.

The door rings, signaling that a customer is here and I draw my attention to the man who has walked in. His hair is slicked back and he has stubble across his jaw. He makes his way towards me.

"Hello," He says in a dominant tone.

"Its you," I say to myself.

"Its me?"

"The guy from last night," I correct myself.

"well, I guess it is me,"

"What would you want, sir?" I ask while taking the notepad and pen from the inside of my apron.

"Black coffee," He says and a chill runs down my spine. Black. Everything is dark about him. I don't know what, but when he's in the room, the atmosphere changes.

"Will that be all, sir?"

"Yes," He nods. I turn around to pour his coffee and it suddenly feels colder than usual.

  I slightly feel wind brush past my arm and I turn around and the customer smiles at me. I turn around and continue pouring his coffee. I feel the wind again but ignore it.

"Here is your coffee, have  nice day!" I save him off. That was really unusual.


  My shift has ended and I am currently at home. Despite the mysterious encounter today, I am feeling good. I hear a knock at my door and I get up out of my bed. I walk towards the door and answer it. I am greeted by the same person who I have ran into at Starbucks and last night. Why does he keep popping up? And how does he know where I stay?

"Hello?" I ask and he brings his hands from behind his back. Flowers take over my eye sight and my heart flutters. The negative feelings towards the guy disappears an is replace with shock. I don't even bother asking how he knows where I stay because I don't want to know.

"For me?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Only you," He replies. Only then I realize he has an accent. I haven't really played attention to him. I grab the flowers with my right hand and my left hand covers my chest.

"Thank you!" I say sweetly.

"So you'll go on a date with me tonight?" He says and his eyes glisten with hope. I nod my head and a smile plays on his face.


I hear a knock on my door. I grab my purse and I open the door.

"Hi," He smiles.


   I lock the door on my way out and to my surprise, He grabs my hand. It's a sweet move. I guess that's what people do on dates.

   We walk hand and hand to his car. He opens the door to the black Mercedes for me and closes it. He then jogs over to his side and gets in. I sit quietly as he pulls out of the driveway and I watch his muscles flex as he turns the wheel. He catches me staring at him and I blush. He smiles at me and then drives down the road, leaving the parking lot behind.

"Where are we going?" I ask curiously.

"To my house," He says smoothly.

"On a date?" I ask in a confusing tone. He ignores me and continues driving.


  We pull up in a apartment building. The apartments are nice and looks like they cost a fortune. Zany gets out of the car and opens the door for me. He quickly grabs my hand in his and leads me to the elevator. He clicks the up button and punches in a number. We wait in an awkward silence until a 'Ding' is heard and the doors open. Still holding my hand, he leads me down the hall and into his apartment.


A/N: Thx for choosing my story, please vote and comment!!!


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