Chapter 7

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Talia's POV

  I reach over over to Zayn and peck him on the lips.

"Zayn?" I mumble.

"Hmm," He hums.

"I feel like I don't know you. I spend all of this time with you and I don't know a thing about you."

Zayn gets up on his elbows and stares at me.

"You do know me. My name is Zayn Malik," He says and turns around to go to sleep, his extremely short ponytail facing me.

I let out a small dramatic sigh.

"There is nothing you need to know about me. So drop the situation," Zayn says calmly.

"Look, I know you have the whole badboy and mysterious personality and all. Most of the time you are really sweet and I don't even think I have heard you curse. Don't get me wrong, I like it, but it's getting really old," By now I am sitting cross legged on his bed, starring at him.

Zayn throws the cover over his head and mumbles," You're getting old."

"What are you trying to say?" I snap.

"It means what I said, use your context clues," He groans. My eyebrows not together in anger and a frown appears on my face.

"Why are you being mean to me all of a sudden?" My tone gets higher.

"Wha are you being mean zoo me all of a zudden?!" He mocks me in his best girly voice.

"Why the fuck are you asking me so many fucking questions! Go to fucking bed!" He screams, Zayn finally sitting up and I shrink into my spot.

This is the first time he has even caught an attitude with me. When I first met him, He was sweet and kind. He never, not once, even yelled at me. Zayns eyes burn into mines and I finally get up. I hate it when people yell at me.

"I am leaving," I huff and gather my purse and shoes. I put on my brown Sperry's and I head for the door.

"Yo!" He says and a turn around, hoping he will apologize.

"You know that girl that was calling me?" He says and I nod my head.

"I fucked the shit out of her last night," Zayn continues.



but that cliff hanger doe.

Ight since I am nice. I give u permission to hate me!


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