chapter 5

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A/N: I'll update probably once a week or something ig


Previously on ' Mystery'

Zayn and Talia had a ' hot' moment.


Talia's POV

  After last night, Me and Zayn decided to watch a movie. Of course, I fell asleep on him but I couldn't stop replaying the events inside of my mind as the movie played. I planned my summer just working hard for money so that I could get into college. Who knew that I'd meet a guy and do something sexual with him in just one week?

I am currently at work on my lunch break and Jason decided to pay me a visit. He takes a sip of his coffee before smacking his lips and cleaning his mouth with a napkin. A wide grin plays on his face while running his hands through his blue hair. He then adjust his big, but fashionable glasses and I let out a huff.

"Any news?" He ask and a look down at my lap. I then look back at .

"With what?" I ask. He narrows his eyes at me and let's out a giggle.

"What happened with you and Mr. Mystery when I was gone?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"Mr. Mystery?" I shriek and we laugh together.

"You told me he was mysterious, so I came up with the name. Anyways, Tell me!" He urges.

"Well," I pause and fiddle with my fingers. He leans in his chair and urges for me to go on.

"We did something,"

"You had sex with him?" He whispers and shrieks at the same time.

"No! We had clothes on! We just dry humped," My voice gets higher by the word and he covers his mouth. He begins to laugh.

"That doesn't sound like you," He wipes his eye from the excess tear and I nod my head. He adjusts his glasses again and smirks at me.

"My lunch break is over," I look at my phone and then pout at Jason. He rolls his eyes and head to the door.

"This talk, it's definitely not over," He points at me and I put on my apron, ignoring him.


   When my shift was over, Jason had given me a ride. We talked during the ride. He was telling me about his new 'male friend' who is apparently straight or whatever.

   I am at home and getting ready for bed. I had already taken a shower and brushed my teeth, so now it is the bed part. I roll the covers back and climb into bed. As I begin to close my eyes, My phone goes off. Almost instantly, My eye lids open up and my eyes burst with excitement. The tingly feeling inside of me excites me so much, that I want to do a cartwheel. It is probably one of his sweet goodnight text from Zayn. I shuffle in my bed to find my phone.

"I'm calling off whatever we have going on ._."

From Zayn

  My face had dropped that exact moment. I can't say it was heartbreaking because it isn't. I had only knew him for almost a month.

Did it hurt my feelings?

Yes, It did. I really was starting to like him

  Not only did he call us off over a text message, but he called called it "whatever we have going on". I had fell for the sweet and mysterious act.

Who wouldn't?

   I would put that I don't care, but that will be a lie. Not only will it be a lie, but it will show that I do indeed care.

   He doesn't reply back and I ignore his message and turn my phone off. I am not going to be that vulnerable girl that falls in love with a guy she doesn't know. I am not going to fall for his good looks and charm. I am not going to let that text ruin my wonderful night.

  I get out of my bed and throw on some clothes. I head angrily to the bathroom and put my hair in a messy bun. Feeling decent, I walk out if the door.

A hair cut will be nice.


  The sun yells at me throughout my window. I blink my eyes rapidly and let out a soft groan. Dragging my body out of bed, I get ready for my exciting day with Jason and some friends.

  I head out of the elevator and down the stairs, leading me out of my apartment. My friends are waiting for me, including Jason and his friend. As I make my way towards the car, My friend Matt steps out and opens the door in the backseat of the mini van for me.

"Thank you," I give Matt a hug. He wraps his arms around me and then steps in the backseat with me.

  The ride to the bowling alley was really short. I didn't even know that there was a bowling alley around the corner from my house. We head inside of the bowling alley and ugly music fills my ears.


ugly music

  We headed towards the register and gave the man our shoe sizes. Matt had insisted to pay for all of us and I was very grateful for that. I had enough problems and I didn't want money to be one of them.


   Two games have passed and we all have had a few drinks. Me personally, I only had two, but these guys had probably had at least five each.

Getting my friends drunk at a bowling alley.


Getting drunk.


"You really get around, don't you?" A familiar voice says.

Am I drink already? Drunk to where I am hearing his voice?

     I turn around to see Zayn with a smirk plastered on his face. His hair slicked back in its usual style and his hands in his pockets. My eyes travel from his pockets to his face and I frown.

"Those are just my friends and they are mostly girls," I explain. I don't have to explain myself to him, but I feel the need to do so. He lifts one of his eyebrows and the raises his hand to cup my cheek. I instantly jerk back from his touch and he frowns.

"So you got a new hair cut?" He attempts to make conversation.

"Like you care!" I huff and cross my arms.

"Whatever I did I am sorry," He whispers and I ignore him.

"Talia it's your turn!" I hear Matt yell and I turn around

"Take my turn!" I yell back. I then turn my attention back to Zayn.

"I don't know what I did to make you upset, but I like you and I really want to get to know you.  I want to see you every day and see that beautiful smile of yours. I love your Italian accent and your cute laugh. I like visiting you at the coffee shop and Talking to you on the phone. I also like how you just rolled your eyes," He points out and I smile.

"So why did you send me that text?" I point out.

"What text?"


And Scene!!


lol did u like it?

did ya? Did ya? Did ya?



who cares! vote!

lol I tried to make a poem but failed but I do care what u think Nd plz plz vote



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