Chapter 3

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Previously on Mystery

I stab my fork into my potato and insert it into my mouth. Focusing on eating, I paid no attention to the movie. From the corner of my eye I could see zayn chewing. I gasped and put my fork down as the man in the movie killed the security guard. Now I was no longer paying attention to my food, I was paying attention to the movie. Zayn let out a deep chuckle and put his hand on my thigh. Tingles ran through my body. I barely knew him, but he was super cute and sweet. As I stuck a piece of steaks in my mouth, He pressed a kiss to my cheek.


Talia's POV

  When his lips made contact with my cheek, I suddenly froze.  When he pulled back, I could still feel his lips on my cheek. The contact made me shiver. It seems that every time I am with him, I shiver. His lips brush my cheek and he opens his mouth. I can feel his hot breath as he breaths out onto my cheek. He closes down, letting his tongue touch my cheek and his lips gently sucks. I jerk my head away and he grabs me by my cheeks and pulls me towards his face. I don't fight him and I just look into his caramel eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" Zayn asked slowly, pronouncing every syllable correctly.

"We just met," I say slightly upset.

"It is a kiss," He grabs my hand. He accent makes me shutter. It is nothing like I hear back in Italy."Just one," Zayn takes my hand and kisses it. Falling under his spell, I nod my head.

  He leans out of his chair and into me. Zayn's hand is still on my cheeks, he leans in and his lips brush mine. His lips slowly move against mines and he deepens the kiss. Our lips mold together and I finally pull back. He looks a bit disappointed that it didn't last that long. I bite down on my bottom lip and he leans back in, licking his lips.

  I thought he was going to kiss me, but he whispered in my ear.

"Why did you dye your hair?" He whispers, referring to the blonde ends of my hair. Although I don't get why he is whispering, I can't help but shiver at the contact on my ear.

"Because it is pretty," I reply. He nods his head in response and puts his hand on my lap.

"Do you live alone?" I nod my head and stare at the warm hand on my thigh. He moves his fingers up and down in a rhythm but he stops to rub my thigh with his thumb in circles.

"Don't you live alone?" I asked curiously

"Yes. Why don't you stay over?" His hand squeezes my thigh gently and I shudder. I shake my head. He knows what he is doing.

"Can I go home, its getting late."

"Yeah, I gotta go too," He looks at his phone and stands up quickly. He grabs the remote and turns off the movie while his hand is locked in mines, pulling me with him.

"What about the food?" I ask while he pulls me towards his front door.

"Don't worry about it,"


  When I took my shower, last night played in my head. He was so sweet and nice. I can't believe I didn't like him before. I thought about his slick black hair and the stubble on his jaw. I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way it tasted.

  I am currently eating yogurt and it is about ten in the morning. I look up when I hear the door open to the burger and yogurt shop, I see Jason walk in. He comes to sit down and I glare at him.

"What?!" He asks.

"Took you long enough," I huff and he rolls his eyes.

"Okay, So you called me. Who is he? Do you like him and is

he cute?," Jason asks me in his normal high pitched tone.

"His name is Zayn and he is so mysterious. He is super sexy and I think I like him! And he is British!" I squeal and so does he.

"Oh! And we kissed last night! He kinda made out with my cheek!" He equals even more. Before he can squeal louder, He is interrupted by my phone.

"Is it him?"

" It doesn't have a caller I.D and it can't be him, He doesn't have my number," I reply while answering the phone.


"Hello," My face lights up at his voice and Jason gives me a questioning look. I put my index finger up to silence him and he rolls his eyes.

"How did you get my number, Zayn?" Jason raises his eyebrow in amusement.

"You down for bowling," He asks and I hear shuffling in the background.

"I promised my friend that we'll hang out today," I look over at Jason.

"Go," He whispers. I shake my head, I wasn't going to ditch my best friend for some guy.

"She can come," Zayn's voice takes over my thoughts.

"He," I correct.

"He?" His tone changes.

"Where are you?"

"Bob's burgers and yogurt," (A/N: IDK)

When I begin to talk again, the phone goes silent.


     When I begin to talk again, the phone goes silent. A few minutes passed and Jason and I have ordered  a couple of mini burgers and engaged in a conversation. The door opens and

we pay no mind. Someone clears their throat and we draw our attention to the sound. Jason turns back to me and raises an eyebrow.

"Hello, I am Zayn,"


Zayn's POV

"Hello, I am Zayn ," I tell the guy sitting in front of Talia, completely ignoring her reaction. I intend on sounding professional.

  Who the fuck does he think he is. All over my shit, smiling and giggling. What the fuck.

"Oh, So this is the mysterious guy," He says. He sounds like a bitch.

"Are you gay?" I raise my eyebrow in amusement. Talia chocked on what ever the hell she was eating and the guy laughed.

"Scoot over," I tell Talia and she scoots over. I sit down and take a french fry from off of her plate and she giggles. Cute. I swung my arm around her shoulder in the booth and kissed her on the cheek.

"What are you doing here?" She asks. Her accent is beautiful. Sexiest sound ever.

"I couldn't come see my girlfriend?" I smirk.


A/N: Omg I was feeding this pigeon a torta I got from taco cabana and  I feel so terrible. when I gave it.the cheese, it starting walking sideways and chocking. I got up and walked away fast, while the bird was gagging and hacking. poor bird  was dying. I killed  a Damn bird. I'm a murderer, I have never felt so terrible in my life anyways *heavy sigh* Happy story time:
JUST GOT THE LAST KILL ON COD WA (call of duty, advanced warfare) ONLINE! OMG SHIT GOT ME PUMPED!!!

You thought Zayn was going to be sweet? jebduddbud NOT!

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