Chapter 2

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A/N: will be short, but at least I'm updating :( had a bad day sorry.
If u don't want to hear about it, skip AN, but I missed the bus coming from school. It was not my fault!  Almost half of the people that road my bus, missed it! they decided not to put the bus  number on the board, no one could find it. So I was running w/ my ex from last year to the bus and we almost had it but we missed it. So embarrassing omg! The teacher was like  they were late on purpose bc they go out and I was like that was last hear and we had to walk two.fucking hours!!!!!!! In a group at least, I thank Jesus for that! We had to cut through the freeway, almost getting hit and everything! then my friesds mom picked us up in this small car. it was like six of us, all gender, and we had to lap up. lawd thank that lady bcuz my back.was.hurting. I was mad bc I wouldn't have enough time to read and as soon as I came home I took a shower
.. whoop!!!!  I DO NOT want to experience that ever again!!!


Previously on 'Mystery'

  We pull up in a apartment building. The apartments are nice and looks like they cost a fortune. Zany gets out of the car and opens the door for me. He quickly grabs my hand in his and leads me to the elevator. He clicks the up button and punches in a number. We wait in an awkward silence until a 'Ding' is heard and the doors open. Still holding my hand, he leads me down the hall and into his apartment.



Talia's POV

  When we walk in, he tells me to take off my shoes and I do as said. The apartment smells like peaches and I'm loving it. It is really big and you can see a perfect view of the sky. He has a huge kitchen and a huge living room. It almost looks like a one bedroom house.

   He leads me straight ahead and we pass up the living room and kitchen. He leads me to a room with theatre chairs and a white screen. I expected him to take me to the actual movies or dinner, but this works too. He leads me to the five chairs in the front and there awaits a diner of pot roast and potatoes. He guides me to sit down and he sits down with me while clicking a button to start the movie.

I stab my fork into my potato and insert it into my mouth. Focusing on eating, I paid no attention to the movie. From the corner of my eye I could see zayn chewing. I gasped and put my fork down as the man in the movie killed the security guard. Now I was no longer paying attention to my food, I was paying attention to the movie. Zayn let out a deep chuckle and put his hand on my thigh. Tingles ran through my body. I barely knew him, but he was super cute and sweet. As I stuck a piece of steaks in my mouth, He pressed a kiss to my cheek.

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