Fake flowers

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I look up from my book to see a pair of unusually bright blue eyes staring at me. The fact they have no pupils doesn't bother me anymore.
"Mommy, what is this?" Lillian asks, holding up a flower that is the same color as her eyes.
"It's an iris, dear. They used to grow all the time at my old house." I casually reply, with a hint of a smile on my face.
"Can we go visit them sometime? I want to see the pretty flowers." She exclaims, eyes growing wide with curiosity for my past.
"Sure, but we can't go until after all of the flowers are blooming" It's not a total lie-the flowers there aren't booming right now. I doubt they ever will again, after everything that has happened. But Lillian does not know that-she was just a few days old when we all submerged ourselves in virtual reality, and left our bodies in time capsules, set to open when earth was safe to inhabit again. It's been six years, and still no sign of us being released soon.
"Come on dear, let's go put your flower in some water so it stays healthy" I say as I take her open hand, and lead her to the house.

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