Fake Hunter

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Three days of updating in a row! New record!

Or, that what I would say if my roommate had not convinced me that staying up late and watching scary movies on Netflix was a good idea. Ah well. Here's the update from last night!

"'The Links'? Are they even real?" I say, folding my arms again. It sounds way to cliche to be true. They is no way out of here that I've found so far. 

"They are more real than you are right now, and that isn't saying much." He retorts, looking annoyed at the fact I don't believe him.

"Why would I believe you when you haven't told me anything other than you want me to join a mysterious group, who apparently have a way out of here. You haven't even bothered to tell me your name yet."

"It's Hunter, in case you care." He said, leaning on the arm away from me and staring out the window. Well, projection of a window. It currently was showing a sunset over a cloudy mountain range. He probably didn't know that outside was completely flat, with houses as far as the eye can see. 

"It's so much prettier in real life" He murmured, soft enough for me to barely hear it. "I wish I could live there again"

Wait... I've heard of this before. When Earth was beginning to crumble, there was a large mountain set that collapsed in on itself and nearly wiped out all of the inhabitants. Something about too much granite mining made it unstable. I wonder if he was one of the ones that made it out? And if he was, would he ever be able to go back?

There's something about the sadness in his face tells me about what I can't ask. 

That was one of the first rules coming here-you can never ask what someone lost on the other side. Actually, anything talking about the other side, especially around Lilian who has never experiences it, has been taboo. 

The Council has also made sure that I am to never speak to Lilian about it. They are always watching me, listening in to what I say. It is unnerving, and the unease only lessens slightly over time-it never fully goes away. 

"Is it time already?" He half mumbles half whines.

"Time for what?"

"For me to leave your wonderful presence."

I snort. Him? Not wanting to leave me? As if.

"No, really. They are telling me to leave." He says as he starts to leans back and close his eyes. 

"Wait, no! You have to tell me more." I rush over to him, trying to see if he was just pulling a joke on me. He was sound asleep. I grabbed his shoulders, and tried shaking him awake. Nothing. I let go and take a step back. 

He really is out cold. 

I take another step back, watching him. And another. And another, until I was in the doorway and he still wasn't waking up. It seems like he really left me, without telling me that much after all. I start down the hall, checking on all the other patients. 

If he wakes up again, I am going to make him tell me everything. 

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