Fake Kitchen

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She pulls me into the kitchen, tugging excitedly on my hand.

"Mommy, we have to get the flower in water. I don't want it to die before I can show Ms. Emily" she says, staring at me from in front of the black wood counters.

Okay, love. I will make sure it stays alive long enough for Ms. Emily" I reply, with a smile on my face. 

"When will she come over again?" She asks, like she does every day. It's no surprise-I've gotten used to it.  Ms. Emily is a grandmotherly-figure to her, babysitting her when I have to go to work, and every time time, without fail, I always come home to the two being covered in flour and having a fresh batch of cookies in the oven. No wonder she's Lillian's favorite babysitter so far.

I reach above her, and tap the cabinet. A bright blue display screen comes up, with a menu. It reads "Plates. Bowls. Cups. Silverware. Exit." I tapped the Cups icon, and selected a Lillian's favorite-a clear tall glass cup with streaks of blue a shade lighter than her eyes and a equally bright purple swirling up the sides.  The cupboard makes a ding noise, and I open it to find the cup, perfect as always. It reminds me of the one I made back at my old home, without the chip in the top. I guess that would have been too small of a detail to add in. 

"I don't know dear. Maybe tonight." I never knew when they were going to call me in. They refused to do so at first, because I was taking care of Lillian who was the only baby in the simulation. They grudgingly started calling me to work in the hospital when I raised up the fact that everyone else was working, and Ms. Emily, who had grandkids of her own that didn't make it, and was more than capable of taking care of Lillian. 

I set it in the stainless steel sink and lift the handle. A steady stream of cold water comes pouring out. It's always the right temperature for whatever you were doing-they made sure to program my sink that way, so it would be harder for Lillian to hurt herself. They made everything in this house as safe as possible for her. It took me a month to convince them that the walls were perfectly fine without six inches of padding. 

I set the glass on the table in the next room, right next to the small orange flameless candle-yes, they even made the candle safe. I tap it, to change the sent to something more floral scented for the flower. The menu pops up- it reads "Pine woods, Burning fireplace, Fresh linen, Rose, Sweet pea, Lilac". I frown-Lilac has never been there before, and they never change things in here unless it is an emergency. I am tempted to pick it, but the last thing I need is to glitch. Especially with Lillian and her flower right next to me, and in harm's way. I tap Rose instead, and help her gently place her flower in the water. 

"There. Now Ms. Emily can see the pretty flower!" She beams. 

"Yes, she can." I say and smile weakly back. The last thing I want is for her to see me worry-I'll have to ask the council about the new smell later. "Let's go read a book together."

"Okay" She grins, and pulls me to her bedroom. "Can we read this one tonight? It's my favorite." She asks, tapping the bookshelf and pointing to 'The day the Goose got Loose'. 

"Sure sweetie" I reply, selecting it and settling with her on the oversize bed. She tucks herself into my side, and I wrap my arm around her. I open the book and begin.

"The day the goose got loose..."

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