Fake nightmare

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My eyes widen in horror.

Me? His puppet? No way I was letting that happen.
I open my mouth to tell him off, but it still doesn't budge. Seeing as the only thing I could do was move my eyes, I close them and try to tune him out.
"Closing your eyes on the enemy? Isn't that almost as bad as turning your back to him"he muses, sounding too close for comfort. "You know, I could do anything I want in here, and no one could tell me otherwise. For example-"
I feel my arm raise and I open my eyes to see him holding it up to his chin level. He bowed his head and gently placed a kiss on the back of my hand. I couldn't process this. It was all happening so fast. I'm supposed to hate him, truly I am.
He looks up at me, still holding my hand as a smirk comes back on his face. "And that is just the beginning of what I can do, my dear."
Panic shocks me to my core as I feel a cold shiver up my spine. I feel so helpless, I cannot bear this any longer. Forcing all of my strength into my mouth, I force it open and scream.
I'm still screaming when I wake up. I stop when I notice how I can move again, and sit up pressed against the headboard. I place a hand on my heart, trying to calm it and keep it from feeling like it was going to break out of my ribcage. I go to glance at the clock, but decide otherwise-no matter what time it is, I would not be falling asleep anytime soon, that's for sure.
The door to my bedroom flies open, startling me in the process. Next thing I know, I have a bright eyed, energetic six year old in my lap, pinning me down. Her blue eyes stare into mine, hand threateningly close to the pillow I keep my journal under.
"Mommy, can we have pancakes for breakfast?"

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