Fake Hospital

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Well, on the plus side, virtual clothes always fit nicely, and you don't have to ever worry about possibly having them clash because they won't allow you to. Yes, I tried. 

On the downside, apparently no one bothered to hire anyone who understood practicality of clothes instead of fashion designers, and that is why I'm currently walking down the halls in a white sundress and flats. At least they managed to remember to put in a tacky, old fashioned nurse hat. Which, I am required to wear. 

I sigh as I walk down the sterile-white hallway of open doors. Honestly, out of every job that could be done in this world, this would have to be one of the most boring of them. 

Day in, day out. There are never more than three nurses here at any given time, which may seem like not that many, however we have next to nothing for job responsibilities. All we are assigned to do is make sure the patients don't wake up without someone higher up knowing. The rest is taken care of by the code. 

The thing is, no one has woken up in the three years I have been working here. No one has come in either. All 50  of our "patients" have been here as long as the other nurses can remember. 

I peek in the first door. A older man with graying black hair in a pair of flannel pajamas sleeps peacefully on the standard issue bed. 

I look into the second door, and see the same thing. This time, it is a middle age lady in a violet nightgown with a white lace border. 

As I approach the third door, I get a feeling that something is really off here. 

I walk in, and step to the bed where a man around my age rests. Someone decided that he should be in black sweatpants and a light grey t-shirt, as if he just fell asleep watching a movie and will wake up at any moment. I can't shake the feeling there is something off about him though. 

Maybe it is because he's the youngest one here. 

I turn and take a step towards the door. I have to finish my rounds, and then I'll be back to try to figure it out. 

"Where am I?" 

I whip around to see a pair of very confused and very open green eyes staring back at me. 

"They did not tell me you we going to be here" He mumbled, looking at me in shock. 

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