Fake dreams

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Gritting my teeth, I set down the marker. This wasn't enough to settle my nerves, which feel like they are constantly going off and making my skin crawl, but I can't do anything too reckless without waking Ms.Emily or Lilian. This is such a drag, I think as I sigh and walk over to the bathroom. Stepping through the doorway, I glance in the mirror and take a good look at myself. My long blonde hair is still loosely in its bun, but stray hairs are falling out and hanging in my face. My hat has long since been off, but I am still in the rest of my work uniform, and it hangs limply on my body as I lean closer for a better look. My skin is perfectly clear, and there are no imperfections on my face. I'm certain I would have bags under my eyes, but this is not reality, and apparently when they updated the server three years ago to make it more 'realistic', they left that detail out.

I run my hands through my coarse hair, letting it fall out and down to my waist. I also pull of my dress, opting for the black tank top that hugged my curves and a pair of violet shorts that were on the counter. I look back at my reflection, and decide that this is much better. A smile creeps onto my face and it lights up the blue eyes staring back at me. My appearance is less like a mindless zombie, and more like a real person. Except I am not real. None of this is .

I sigh and crawl back into bed, shoving the books under the other pillow in the process. I'll have to put these away tomorrow when no one is looking. 

I grab the edge of the comforter and pull it up to my chest, curling up on my side. I don't even get the chance to turn out the light before my eyes drift closed.

I am back in the hospital room, the four tan walls feeling like a jail cell. I look down, and see a female body wearing a button down burgundy blouse, with short sleeves and a standard issue hospital blanket tucked neatly around the waist. I go to lift up my right hand and nothing moves. I try again and the body's hand twitches.

"I wouldn't try it if I were you" A familiar sarcastic voice says in a sing-song tone.

I go wide eyed as I recognize the speaker. I try to turn to face him, but nothing happens. I can't move my body.

"So, figured it out, haven't you? You always were a smart one." He snickers, leaning over so his face is in my field of view. 

"At least this way, you'll actually take the time to listen to me!" I open my mouth to tell him that I can tune him out, but it doesn't budge.  

He leans over and gently takes my chin with his right hand, turns it and steps back so I can see his whole body. I notice a lot of differences like his plaid shirt, the bronze stubble all over his chin which brings more attention to his bright green eyes and frames his smirk. It took me a moment to look away to realize he was holding a bright blue orchid in his left hand. He leans in again and brushes my hair back, putting it behind my ear. 

"You don't get it after all. When you are asleep,  you are my puppet." he smirks, staring at me.  

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