Fake Link

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Chapter six, here we come!

I Look him in the eyes, and grit my teeth.

"What was that?" I snap, glaring at him. 

His eyes grew wide, seeing that I was not in the mood for any games whatsoever. He sat up and raised his hands in defense.

"I-I was trying to say that, well, you know" he trails off, looking really uncomfortable. 

"Actually, no I don't. Care to enlighten me?" I say stepping closer. 

He runs a hand through his messy chocolate colored hair. "They never told you, did they?"

"Tell me what? No one around here bothers to tell me anything!" I yell, hands in fists at my side. 

"I kinda gathered that by the fact you are sitting here yelling at me instead of asking for answers"

Ouch, he hit the nail on the head. 

"Well fine." I pull up a chair from the corner of the room and sit down, arms and legs crossed. "Explain"

"You seem like such a lovely person. Maybe I'll take you out for tea as soon as we get back to the real world. Maybe next week?" He muses, deliberately trying to annoy me. 

"Well, you would have to be dreaming, because there is no way out of here for us until they come for us." I reply, rolling my eyes.

"Or, I could get you out of here, and actually go for tea. Thing is, the one shop I like is now clos-"

I jump out of my seat and stand up, unable to listen any more.

"Wait a minute- get out of here? You know how preposterous you sound right?" I interrupt.

"And here you are again, jumping to conclusions before I even get to explain. Good grief, no wonder you are the Abnormality."

"The what?"

"Abnormality. They really kept you in the dark, huh?" He stares into my eyes, looking for any sense of recognition. 

"Yeah" I agree, calming down a bit. Maybe I can coax a way to finally get out of here. The should have done everything they needed to in order to repair the Earth in six years, right?

"So, are you going to calmly listen to me, or am I going to have to just keep you in the dark like everyone else?" He asks, calmly.

"Fine. I promise not to scream too loudly at you. Deal?" I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"Now there is the mild tempered Roxanne everybody loves." He exclaims.

"First off, how in the world do you know my name?" I inquire.


"For real, you know I have 46 other people to check up on. I don't have the time for this"

"Fine. They told me when putting me back here that I would meet you"

"Who are 'they'?"

"The Links." He says. 

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