Chapter 5 Lucy

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I started to train with Igneel. He kept saying "I know it is in you". I did believe him, but I had doubts about it all. I'm just a celestial wizard I told myself. Many times, I just doubted myself so much.

"Ingeel, I can't do this." I said, falling over. We were run super fast. At that second, the tears came rushing down my checks. "I tried, but I guess Natsu was right." They came out even more. "I am really weak."

"Lucy," he said, turning back into his human form. "Giving up is weak, but as long as you keep trying, you're anything but weak." I ran up to him, hugging him tightly.

"Okay then," I said harshly. "I won't give up!" In my belly, was something I have never felt before. It felt like energy and power. It felt strong. "Fire dragon roar!" This time, it actually came out. "Thank you so much, Igneel."

"You master the hardest part and for now on, it will be easy," he said. "Let's get to it." A chill of happiness went down my spine. This will be easy.

Five Years Later
"Good job," all of the dragons said to me. There was Igneel, Aqua, Celesta, Nadia, Grandeeney, Metalicana, Stella, Darkar, and the other elements said to me. They must have been so proud of my success. This felt great. I knew all of their powers and it felt grand and great.

"Thank you all so much!" I said cheerfully. "I will never forget any of you!" All of them stared at me thankfully. "What's next?"

"You will become queen today," Igneel said. "I am so happy with you right now." Queen? That's huge. I am so happy right now. In the end, I know everything about dragon slaying magic.

"Dragon transformation," I said, transforming into a colorful dragon with dark, brown eyes. All of the other dragons did the same and followed. These dragons helped me become who I am today.

"You should be proud of yourself," a voice came from behind. It was Nadia. "You did a great job and are better at nature than I am." I blushed, unsure of if she was speaking the truth.

When we made it to the dragon elemental kingdom, dragons were bowing down to us. I never expected this in a billion years.

"Princess Lucy," a dragon that was white said. His scales were shown obviously and his eye color was black. What kind of dragon is that? Maybe the same kind as Grandeeney with the skin color of white and the eyes of really dark purple.

"She has returned," another dragon with dark green scales said. Her eyes were a light, tree bark brown. Her claws were made from real trees.

"I am so amazed," a female dragon said. "Metalicana has helped train the princess and I am so proud of my husband." She had silver scales and black eyes with black claws. All of these dragons really care who I am? That's amazing.

"This is so exciting," said a young dragon with blue scales and silver claws. "I am seeing the long lost princess once and for all." I sighed. "She's so pretty."

"Follow me," Stella said to me. "Your mom and many dragons are waiting for you to return." I smiled, following her to the kingdom. I wonder what my mom is like.

When we made it, my original mom was there. Is that the dragon queen? "Queen Layla." A women said. "Princess Lucy and Princess Victoria."

"Vika," she corrected. "That's what people need to call me." All of the other dragons left as we started to hug.

"I missed you so much!" I said cheerfully. "I am 20 years old because I was 15 years old at the time." I bet Vika was twenty years old as well. Mom walked out and she started to talk to all of the dragons.

"Hello, everyone." She said. "Now, it is time to announce the return of my daughter, Lucy Heartifia." Everyone started to go wild and crazy. "And, my other daughter that everyone knows and loves, Vika Heartifia." It seemed as if everyone went crazy for both of us. I felt loved.

"Congrats," mutters Vika. "You earned it because you worked so hard over the years!" I smiled, staring at her.

"Lucy Heartifia is the new queen," mom said cheerfully. Everyone started to go wild. "Since this kingdom is so big, Vika will not get the elemental ones like the fire kingdom, but all of the smaller kingdoms."

It was confusing to me, but I acted like I understood it all. "Are you happy?" I ask Vika. She nods as if life is totally grand and great. "I am too."

Just then, Vika steps up to the stand to talk. "I have an important announcement to make," she said. Everyone was staring at her with narrowed eyes. "Lucy and I will join the Dragon Guild."

Since the dragon kingdoms are in a big, unknown island in earth land, we can keep in there. There is a guild here. In fact, there is only one guild. This guild is full of powerful wizards of all sorts.

When we got out of there, Igneel rushed to me. "I am so proud of both of you," he said cheerfully. "Lucy, let's get you signed in firstly to the Dragon Guild."

I shook my head no. "Not yet."

"Yes, your majesty." He said. I froze as if someone was harassing me.

"Stop with the your majesty thing," I say. "It is getting very old." He nods. "I consider us equals and we should we treated fairly."

"No wonder your the new queen," he said. "I love how you do that."

"Thanks, but Vika helped me get here."

We hugged for a long time. "Lucy, I really did not want to become the queen of the major kingdom," she told. "There are two small, normal, kingdoms that I wanted to rule my whole entire lifetime."

"I understand." I say, "let's pay a trip to fairy tail." I grab Metalicana, Grandeeney, and Igneel to join us when we return to fairy tail and say hello to the master. Let's just hope it is not too noticeable.

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