Chapter 9 Vika

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"Lucy," I said. She was talking to Brooks. I think that they have a lot in common. Everyone that made it followed me to the training arena. Lucy and I will be helping all of them train to their full potential and we will make sure all of them pass with full resources.

"Um, hey, your highness." A kind, loving voice said from behind. It was Hu and he smiled. "May you go on a date with me?" I felt my checks fluster as I stared at his dark, rosy hair and then his muscles. His kind eyes told me it was okay to say anything.

"Um, yes."

He started to smile and then quickly ran away. What a nice, kind guy. He was considerate towards me. All I can think of is our date. "Wait," he came back, talking to me. My checks flustered as he walked closer. "What day?"


"What time?"

"I'm free at anytime," I say, staring at him. At that moment, I blushed as he stared at me. He walked away and I walked the opposite way until I ran into someone. It was Lucy.

"Hai." She says awkwardly. Both of us stare at each other for a moment and then stop.

"I have a date," we say at once. "You first." I shook my head. "No you go first."

"You can go first," I say. She smiles, staring at me as her eyes are gleaming.

"I have a date with Brooks!"

"I have a date with Hu!"

Both of us squeal as the good news starts to sink in.

Later that Day
I was on my date with Hu. He was smiling at me the whole time. "So...." I say, breaking the silence. "A-are you ready for the games tomorrow?" He smiles, staring at me in wonder.

"Um, yeah...." He says, staring at me in disappointment. "I am totally ready to know the other guilds out of there." I nod, thinking about Lucy. Fairy tail will pay. All of them. Trust me, everyone will pay. And, that led me back to some of them like: Levy, Gajeel, Wendy, Juvia, Gray, Erza, and Cana. They were the only ones who did not betray Lucy Heartifia, my sister.

"What guild would you like to see go down?" He asks, breaking the silence. All I can think of is fairy tail. "I would like to see fairy tail go down." I nod in agreement. There are nine guilds and we need to take all of them down. They are: fairy tail, Sabertooth, twilight ogre, lamia scale, blue Pegasus, quatro Cerberus, mermaid heel, Raven tail, and Titan nose. There used to be eleven until one of them was figured out to be a false guild and the other was destroyed because they were destroyed by fairy tail.

That night, we had a total great night. We talked about destroying fairy tail. "Why do you hate the fairy tail guild so much?" He asks me.

"It is a very long story," I say. "Lucy used to go to that guild until this girl named Lisanna came and made sure that Lucy was hated by everyone except a simple few who cared for her." A sigh exited my mouth. "At that time, she did not know anything except Urano Metria and celestial wizard magic."


"Her friends helped her get out of fairy tail and then she found me and I got her to the palace to train and accept her crown," I say. "But, we never really had our revenge until now."

"Do you want me to help you with your revenge?" He asks. "And maybe, after this, I will form a team with you and Lucy."

"And, Brooks."

"He's nice," he said. "Just the four of us will do a team, okay?" I nod, staring at him. For the rest of the night, we talked more about the games and the more we talked, the more we could not wait until the games at all to compete.

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