Chapter 3: It Goes On

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"You better be enjoying yourself." Isabelle said on the phone. "Cause I have to deal the whole summer without my best friend."

"Me too." Clary replied as she walked down a field. "Hate to disappoint you but so far there hasn't really been enjoying. It's really beautiful though." The field was covered in fog and the morning sun was already bright.

"That's it, I'm coming to get you." Isabelle replied and Clary laughed.

"Have fun fighting all the parents." She said. "Jace would probably be the only one to gladly watch me leave."

"Mm." Isabelle said. "Is he still hot as Hell?"

"Izzy!" Clary said and rolled her eyes.

"What?" Isabelle asked. "I get that you hate him, you're my best friend, I'm always on your side. But I mean.. I'm not blind. You can't deny he's really attractive."

"I'm done with this conversation, see you in two months." Clary replied.

"Oh, come on!" Isabelle said. "Don't be childish."

"I'm not childish." Clary argued. "Living with Jace is just enough already or actually too much, I rather not talk about him with you."

"Or you just don't wanna admit he's actually attractive even though there's nothing wrong with that but you despise him too much to even say a simple fact about his looks behind his back." Isabelle said.

"Exactly." Clary hissed. "Are we done?"

"Fine." Isabelle just said. "So.. What movie should I watch?"

Clary laughed. "Go to the beach, have fun with friends."

"I wanna have fun with you." Isabelle replied.

Clary sighed. "Well, you can't right now."

"You make me sound pathetic." Isabelle mumbled.

"You make yourself sound pathetic." Clary pointed out. "It's not my fault I'm being dragged and held here."

Clary walked around the corner and smacked right into Jace who was coming down the stairs.

"Wow!" She yelped and he steadied her quickly and kept going. She turned to him. "Where are you off to?"

"Out." He replied. "What do you care?"

"It's 11pm." She pointed out. "I was just wondering."

"Okay." He just said and walked out, the door slamming shut after him. She rolled her eyes before walking upstairs, deciding to take a long, nice shower before going to bed.

Clary walked downstairs and heard voices and noises from the kitchen. She walked in and saw that everyone else were already there.

"And I get to wear my shoes!" Sophia was saying.

"Yeah, you do." Celiné said with a smile.

Max looked up from his comicbook. "Morning, Clary." Everyone turned to look at her.

"Morning." She replied. "What's up?" She asked as she took a mug from the cabinet and poured herself some coffee.

"We were just talking about the party tomorrow." Jocelyn said with a smile.

"Aha." Clary said, sitting down on one of the chairs around the table.

"What were you gonna wear?" Jocelyn asked.

"I don't know." Clary mumbled, drinking her coffee.

"You should wear the green dress, you look so beautiful in it!" Her mom replied and she just nodded. "Well, you look beautiful in everything, sweetheart."

Clary laughed. "You're my mom, you're supposed to say that. It's probably on moms' handbook to call your kid beautiful every now and then so their self-esteem doesn't get ruined completely while surviving through middle and high school."

"That sounds a bit cynical." Celiné said with a laugh and Clary shrugged.

"You know.. There's also gonna be some very nice boys at the party tomorrow." Jocelyn said with a crooked smile.

Clary turned to Jace. "I think she's talking to you." Jace looked up from his coffee with a fake smile.

"Very funny, princess."

"I'm just saying." Jocelyn went on. "I know some nice families there."

"Oh, God." Clary groaned. "Please do not try to set me up with someone."

"I wish I could draw like you." Max mumbled as he sat down next to Clary who was sitting on the porch stairs and drawing the picture of Captain America for him.

She turned to her brother. "You can, there's nothing stopping you. It just takes practice."

"I know, you draw all the time." Max said. "I wanna do something else too. It would be nice if you could be good at something without practicing."

Clary laughed. "Maybe that's the point. You gotta work hard to get there."

"Blah, blah, I know." Max said and laughed.

"You wanna color this once I'm done?" Clary asked him.

"No, it'll be better if you do." He replied and she scowled at him.

"Come on." She said. "You can never be good at it if you keep saying you won't do good and won't even try."

"Okay, I'll color it." Max agreed.

"Yay!" Clary said grinning and the boy rolled his eyes. Clary looked at the field where Jace and Sophia were. Jace was sitting on the ground, leaning back on his palms and listening while Sophia talked and decorated his sneakers with flowers she picked from around them. Clary smiled before focusing back to her drawing.

AN: Because I couldn't give you a good/interesting chapter, I gave you two boring ones. I promise you'll have some better chapters ahead in this story. X

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