Chapter 21: Birhday Morning

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"Maybe we should wake him up." Clary suggested once they were all in the livingroom, except Jace.

"No, it's his birthday." Jocelyn said. "We should let him sleep."

"Maybe someone should go drag him here." Stephen said. "Clary?"

"Me and Max could!" Sophia suggested.

"We can jump on his bed." Max said laughing.

"Go ahead, I'm sure he would love that." Clary said with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." Valentine said. "Let's just let him come on his own time."

"Yeah, I mean he might be having a crisis about turning 21." Clary said with a shrug. "I'm just kidding." She added once no one laughed.

"What's going on?" Jace asked frowning as he walked downstairs.

"Happy birthday!" They all said quickly and anyone could see he was uncomfortable standing there.

"Um, thanks."

"Happy birthday!" Sophia said and ran to him, hugging him.

Jace picked her up since she was so short compared to him. "Thank you." He said and Sophia wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Happy birthday, sweetie." Celiné said smiling.

"Thanks." Jace said as he put Sophia down and hugged his parents.

"Happy birthday!" Clary said as she hugged him. "This should be a drinking game."

He laughed and kissed her quickly. "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind for next year."

"So.. What's it like to be 21?" Clary asked from Jace who was sitting on the porch railing with her and they were facing each other. The kids were playing on the field and the parents were inside, obviously preparing the celebration but Jace seemed pretty oblivious. Or he was acting not to ruin the surprise.

He shrugged. "Not any different really."

"Come on." She said. "You can go to a bar and order as many tequila shots as you want, isn't that some sort of freedom?"

He laughed. "Take it easy. I do not wanna see you turning 21. Ever."

"I'm just kidding." She said laughing. "Okay, I'm gonna be 19 soon, but right now if you look at our ages, it seems like you're three years older than me."

"Yep." He said. "It goes like that every year."

She laughed. "I know, I'm just thinking out loud."

He smiled. "I know, never stop doing that." He said and she smiled too before he leaned in to kiss her. She leaned closer to him as well, pressing her lips harder on his. She felt his hand in her hair and the other one on her thigh and she raised her own to his shoulders, pulling him even closer.

Someone cleared his throat and they quickly turned to see Stephen at the door. "Sorry guys but we need you inside." He said before walking back.

Clary closed her eyes. "I swear we will never have alone time without getting interrupted."

Jace laughed. "At least not as long as we're living with these people."

"Yeah." She said and jumpped off the railing. "But we gotta go, come on." She reached her hand out and he frowned.

"Do you know something I don't?" He asked as he jumpped off as well and took her hand.

"Let's go." She just said and pulled him with her as they went inside.

"Did they clean here?" He asked, looking around.

"Apparently." She just said and pulled him with her to the kitchen where their parents were. They had put all kinds of drinks and food around.

"You can go get changed." Celiné said with a smile.

"Why do we need to get changed?" Jace asked.

"You think we wouldn't celebrate at all?" Celiné asked and he just nodded.

"Okay.. What exactly am I supposed to wear?"

"Maybe not exactly a tux but something a bit more festive." Celiné said, motioning towards Jace's black t-shirt and faded, ripped jeans.

"Aha." He just said.

Clary laughed. "Come on." She said, pulling him with her and walking upstairs.

"You knew about this." He said and she smiled.

"Of course."

"That's why you were asking about the birthday stuff." He said and she nodded.


"I can't believe you were plotting with them." He said and she laughed.

"I'm sure you'll have fun. We all will." She said and turned to him as they reached the end of the stairs. "I'm gonna go get a shower and get changed."

"Yeah, me too." He said, walking to his door.

"You wanna save time and water and shower with me?" She asked joking and he laughed.

"If your mom doesn't approve us sleeping in the same room, she would probably have something to say about showering together."

"Possibly." She said with a laugh.

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