Chapter 11: Goodbye Peace Making

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"It's been really great to be here." Marcus said as they were sitting outside after dinner. "Everyone seems really nice."

"It's been great to have you here." Clary replied smiling. "I'm really glad you could make it."

"Yeah, of course." He said. "It's just a long drive so I should probably get going before it starts to get dark."

"Yeah." She said. "I-..."

Valentine and Jace walked out, both with axes and Clary frowned. "Um, what are you guys doing?"

"We're going hunting." Valentine said, swinging the axe.

"You're doing what?!" Clary asked.

"Of course not." Valentine assured her. "I'm here to have that 'what are you doing with my daughter' talk." He said with a smile, showing the axe at Marcus who laughed nervously. "And Jace is here to help because he looks more intimidating than me."

"Dad." Clary said and he laughed.

"I'm sorry." He said. "We're just gonna chop some wood for the fireplace."

"Yeah, I thought an axe might be a little unuseful while hunting." Marcus pointed out.

"So, what do you like to use when you go hunting?" Jace asked with a sarcastic tone and Clary gave him a look but he didn't catch it.

Marcus laughed. "Don't get me wrong, I have no experience."

"Yeah, I thought so." Jace just said.

"Jace." Clary said, this time catching his attention and he gave her a quick smile and she scowled.

"You guys wanna help?" Valentine asked.

"Um..." Clary mumbled, wondering how to imply they would rather not.

"Sure." Marcus said then and Clary wondered if he wanted to be polite or if he liked chopping wood. Probably the first one.

"What? You have experience of that?" Jace asked, obviously messing with him.

"No." Marcus admitted. "But I-..."

"I'm just kidding." Jace said. "All you have to do is hit the sharp end of the axe to a piece of wood. I think you can manage that."

"Okay, well, let's go." Clary said then quickly and ushered Marcus with her, punching Jace's shoulder as she walked past him.

"Ow-..." He gave her a look.

"Leave him alone." She mouthed to him.

"What?" He mouthed back, looking all innocent.

They walked to a shed where Valentine got two big logs for them to chop on and Jace threw out a pile of wood.

"There's only two axes though, so try not to fight over them." Valentine joked.

"I really haven't done this before." Marcus said.

"It's okay. I can show you." Valentine offered and put the first smaller log on the big one, starting to explain to Marcus.

"You wanna go first?" Jace asked, offering the axe to Clary.

"Yeah, sure, cause I love chopping wood so fucking much." She said with a sarcastic tone and took it from him.

"Wow, language, princess." He said and she scowled. He laughed. "Come on, I can do it if you don't want to."

"It's no problem." Clary said as Jace lifted one of the logs ready for her. "It's just that my arm strength is pathetic."

"It's not, just take couple of tries." He said with a shrug.

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