Chapter 4: The Party

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"Ready, Clary?" Jocelyn's voice called and she quickly put her necklace on, looking at herself from the mirror.

"Coming!" She yelled as she hurried downstairs where everyone else seemed to be already.

"Clary!" Sophia said as she ran to her. "Do I look pretty?"

"Very pretty!" Clary said, admirining her and took her hand, spinning her around. "The most beautiful princess I've ever seen."

Sophia giggled. "Jace must like you a lot."

Clary laughed. "What makes you say that?" She glanced at Jace who looked surprised as well.

"Because he calls you a princess." Sophia replied and the adults laughed and made 'Aw!' sounds.

Clary rolled her eyes. "Trust me, he doesn't mean it like that. In a good way."

Sophia frowned. "How can it be in a bad way?"

Jace croutched down to her level. "Of course it can't be. She's a real princess too." He looked up at Clary. "Doesn't she look beautiful?" Clary smiled even though she knew he was just doing it for the kid.

"Yes!" Sophia said.

"Well, thank you." Clary said. "Not as beautiful as you though!"

Sophia grinned widely. "We're all dressed like princesses and princes now!"

"I don't wanna be a prince!" Max said. "I wanna be a superhero!"

"Why?" Sophia asked. "Princes are much cooler."

"No, they're not." Max argued.

"Okay, let's go then." Stephen said with a laugh and they all walked outside, Clary being careful in her heels since she was clumsy enough without them already.

"I wanna go with Max!" Sophia said and they both got into the backseat of their car.

"Well, we can just switch kids." Celiné said. "We can take Clary. Unless she wants to go to the backseat with the little monkies."

"No, I don't." Clary said with a laugh.

"Okay, we'll meet you there." Jocelyn said with a smile.

"You guys will definitely be getting the more quiet ride." Valentine said and they all laughed except Clary and Jace who glared at each other before getting into the car. Celiné and Stephen got in also and they all buckled themselves and started driving except Clary who struggled to pull her seatbelt out.

"Uh.. My seatbelt isn't working." She said then.

"It's not coming out?" Celiné asked, turning around on her seat.

"Nope." Clary replied.

"Let me try." Jace said and reached over her, pulling at the belt but it didn't move. "Yep, really stuck."

"What? You thought I'm just too stupid to operate a seatbelt?" Clary asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Maybe sit at the middle?" Celiné suggested.

"There's no seatbelt on the middle." Stephen pointed out.

"Really?" Celiné asked.

Jace unbuckled his seatbelt. "Take my seat."

"What? No! Put your seatbelt back on!" Clary told him.

"Come on, just move here." He said and took a hold of Stephen's seat, pulling himself up.

"We're in a moving car! Get back to your seat!" Clary hissed.

"Stop being so stubborn, take the goddamn seat." Jace replied.

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