Chapter 6: Bonfire Confessions

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"So.. Marcus seemed to like you." Jocelyn said to Clary who was sitting next to her once they had all gathered around a small bonfire.

Clary smiled and looked down at her tea mug. "He was great."

"You danced." Sophia said grinning. "I saw."

Clary laughed. "Yeah, we did."

"You danced with Jace too." Sophia said.

Clary glanced at Jace who was frowning and laughed. "What? I didn't dance with Jace. In fact, if you got Jace to dance that would be a miracle and he would still probably look grumpy."

"Ha." Jace just said.

"But you almost danced. Something like that." Sophia said laughing. "And he did this." She said and reached up to kiss Clary's cheek.

"He did not." Clary just said and cupped Sophia's grinning face in her hands gently. "But you're the cutest."

Sophia laughed. "Is Marcus your prince?"

"I don't know." Clary said with a laugh.

"How can you not know?" Sophia asked frowning.

"Are you supposed to see it by looking at the person?" Clary asked. "I'm not sure if it works that way."

"How does it work then?" Sophia asked and Clary shrugged.

"I don't think anyone knows." She replied. "But why don't you ask these people who have been happily married for years?" She asked with a laugh, glancing at the parents.

"Life works in mysterious ways." Celiné just said. "So does love."

"Was it love at first sight?" Clary asked teasing.

"No." They all said laughing.

"But there's still that moment when you look at someone after all the stumbling around and know..." Celiné shrugged. "This might be it."

"Aw!" Clary said. "That is so cheesy!" Everyone laughed.

"Notice the 'might.'" Celiné pointed out laughing. "You can never know."

Clary rolled her eyes. "No, I mean I believe that. I mean everyone kinda.. Waits for the.. Prince? So maybe you have that moment when you realize you found the person you were looking for. Even if it's not love at first sight or some magical moment when the music gets louder and everything goes slow-motion."

Valentine laughed. "Yeah, that's definitely not how it goes."

"Reality beats that." Celiné said with a grin.

Clary sighed. "Hard to imagine."

"Well, you're so young." Stephen pointed out. "I don't think people your age find the one often."

"The one." Clary said and rolled her eyes.

"One day you'll realize it." Jocelyn said with a grin and wrapped her arm around Clary.

"That's gross." Max mumbled.

"You're in that age." Clary told him. "Trust me, there will be a day when you don't find that gross at all."

"Watching you and Marcus was gross." Max added and Clary rolled her eyes.

"Again; you will take that back, little brat." Clary said and Max just scowled.

"I doubt I will."

"We'll see." Clary replied. "I'll ask again once you're 16."

"Whatever." Max said and Clary laughed.

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