Chapter 9: Visit

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Clary walked into the kitchen where the parents were making dinner and washing dishes. "Hey, mom. I was-..."

"Did you make up with Jace?" She asked and Clary hesitated.

"Uh, yeah. I apologized." She just said. "So, I thought-..."

"So, is everything okay now?" Jocelyn asked and Clary just nodded.

"Yep." She said and tried again. "So, I thought maybe we could invite Marcus over at some point. I mean since I can't see him the whole summer other ways and we just.. Thought we would wanna meet up."

"I thought this was a family vacation." Valentine pointed out.

"No, of course we can invite him over." Jocelyn replied. "I mean I know you're not too in love with the idea of being here the whole summer so it's not a problem."

Clary smiled. "Great. So.. I'll talk to him."

"Okay." Jocelyn just said and Clary grinned, never having expected it to be so easy. She turned around quickly, about to rush upstairs and once again ran at Jace.


"If I was you, now I would give you a death glare and say 'watch where you're going!'" Jace said, mocking her voice and she scowled.

"Shut up, I don't sound like that." She just said before going upstairs.

"Morning." Clary said as she walked into the kitchen after having a shower and getting dressed.

"Wow, look at that." Jocelyn said. "For once you're up before noon."

"Of course, she needs time to get ready." Valentine told her. "There's a cute boy coming over."

Clary scowled. "I hate you guys."

"What boy?" Max asked frowning.

"Marcus." Clary replied as she sat down.

"Why is he coming here?" Max asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Why do you think?"

Max wrinkled his nose. "Are you guys together?"

"No." Clary said. "We just.. Wanna hang out."

"And get together?" Max asked, still looking disgusted.

Clary rolled her eyes. "Just shut up."

Clary heard the doorbell up to her room and threw her book aside. "I'll get it!" She yelled, running down the stairs to the hall and pushing aside people who had already headed to the door. She opened it and smiled widely at Marcus. "Hi."

"Hey." He said smiling.

"Come in." Clary said and stepped aside, glancing at the others who seemed amused.

"Hey, Marcus." Jocelyn said then. "It's great to see you again."

"You too." He replied.

"Do you know everyone?" Jocelyn asked. "Well, we met already. Here's my husband, Valentine and our son Max. And here are Stephen and Celiné and their kids Jace and Sophia."

"It's great to meet you all." He said politely. "Well, I'm Marcus."

"Dinner's ready soon." Celiné said. "Clary can show you around until that."

"Sure." Clary said with a smile as the parents went back into the kitchen.

"I can show him around too!" Sophia said smiling.

Max narrowed his eyes at Marcus. "Do you like my sister?"

"Ignore him." Clary told Marcus, taking his arm and pulling him away.

"Are you Clary's prince?" Sophia asked instead.

"Ignore her too." Clary mumbled. She glanced at Jace who was looking at them. "Definitely ignore him."

"I didn't do anything." Jace pointed out.

"But you're always in a bad mood." Clary replied with a smile and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not in a bad mood now." He said, copying her smile.

"Then why are you so grumpy?" She asked. "Have been all day."

"I'm not grumpy." He argued.

"Cranky." She said.

"I'm not cranky!" He said and she sighed.

"Okay." She just said and turned to Marcus. "We could go outside."

"Can we come too?" Sophia asked, smiling widely.

"What? I don't want to!" Max said frowning.

"Why not?" Sophia asked. "It's so warm!" Max glared at Marcus and Clary hoped he didn't notice.

"Uh, you can come with us, Soph." Clary said then. "If Max wants to, he can stay here and sulk with Jace." She smiled quickly and both of the boys gave her a look. She opened the door and walked out, Marcus and Sophia following. They walked down the porch stairs and she turned to Sophia. "So, what should we show Marcus?"

"The lake!" Sophia said. "Or the.. The field! With the flowers!"

"Sounds good." Marcus said with a laugh. Sophia ran to the field and Clary smiled, taking Marcus' hand and he turned to her with a smile.

"I'm glad we got to meet." She said as they went after Sophia.

"Me too." He replied.

"Come on!" Sophia said as she started picking flowers.

"Coming!" Clary replied and they walked over to her quickly.

Soon they were all picking flowers and making flower crowns of them.

"How do I close it?" Sophia asked, holding hers.

"I'll show you." Clary said and took it in her hands. "Just take these and slide them through the loops. It's tight enough so they'll hold." Sophia nodded and Clary put it on her head.

"Does it look good?" Sophia asked.

"Amazing." Clary replied.

"Really wonderful." Marcus said with a smile.

"Take a picture of me!" Sophia said and stood up. It was definitely picture worthy, this beautiful little blonde girl with a flower crown in the field of more flowers and sunshine. Clary should paint that sometime.

"Oh, I don't have a camera." She said and got up. "I'll go get it." She quickly walked back to the house.

AN: I cut this chapter in half 'cause othetwise it would've been sooo long. But the second part will be more interesting and twice as long as this one so.. Enjoy. X

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