Chapter 22: Birthday

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After showering Clary dried herself and wrapped the towel around her before walking out and going to her own room. She did her best to dry her long and messy hair before getting dressed. She put on a nice, pretty casual green dress that matched her eyes. Then she brushed her hair and tried drying them more, they started curling immediately. She put a bit of makeup and her flats on before walking to Jace's door, figuring he had showered already. She knocked on the door.

"You ready soon?"

"Almost." He replied.

"Can I come in?" She asked.


She opened the door and walked in. He was putting on his belt, wearing only his underwear and black jeans. She stopped, forgetting what had she just been about to say.

He looked up, brushing his still a bit damp hair off his face. "Well, this is a disaster." He said with a sarcastic tone. "Should I wear a white shirt or a black shirt?"

She stared. "Neither."

He laughed. "I think the others would appreciate me putting something on."

She crossed her arms over her chest and shrugged. "I don't know, I think that looks good."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed a shirt from his bag. "You look amazing, by the way."

"Thanks." She said with a smile and walked over to him, grabbing the shirt from him. "And to answer your question, white shirt." She threw the black one back. "It's your birthday, not funeral."

"Well, if it was my funeral, I would most likely be wearing white." He replied. "The corpse doesn't usually wear black like the others."

"Stop." She said. "It's your birthday, I don't wanna think about your corpse."

"White shirt it is." He just said and she smiled but rolled her eyes as he pulled on a white t-shirt with a v-neck.

"Aren't you dressed fancy." She said with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm gonna put on the fancy jacket." He said and opened his closet, taking a black jacket from the hanger and putting it on. He rolled up the sleeves. "Not too fancy."

She laughed. "You look great." He really did.

"So do you." He said with a smile and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her. She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck.

"Clary! Jace! Come on!" Celiné yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah, you were right, never." Jace mumbled. "Coming!"

They walked downstairs and the others were there, all dressed as well.

"Come on!" Celinè hurried them down the hall.

"Wha-..." Jace tried but then the doorbell rang. "And who is that?"

"Open it." Celiné said and Jace frowned as he walked to the door and pulled it open.

"Surprise!" Several people yelled over each other in different volumes.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jace asked as the people attacked him by hugging him and yelling happy birthday and slapping his back. There was a girl and two guys. Clary somehow recognized them all from some events but didn't really recall names. Except she did know Alec, he had been Jace's friend for a long time.

"What do you think?" The girl asked. She had blonde hair and a big smile. Clary remembered talking to her sometime. Katie? Maybe? "We came to celebrate!"

"Because you just don't have anything better to do than to drive in the middle of nowhere on a Saturday night." Jace replied.

"Good to see you so cheery on your birthday." Alec said with a smile, patting Jace's shoulder.

"No, really, it's great to see you all." Jace said. "You just.. Didn't have to do this."

"But we did." The girl said. "So shut up and let us in."

"Gee, sorry." Jace said and stepped aside to let them come in.

"Oh, hey." The girl said to Clary. "I think we met at the New Year's Eve party. Mm.. Clarissa?"

"Well, Clary, yeah." She said with a laugh, now she definitely remembered this girl. "Nice to see you again."

"You too." She said smiling. "I'm Kaelie, by the way. In case you don't remember." Oh. Kaelie. Well, Katie was close.

"Sebastian." The blond guy introduced himself.

"Hi." Alec just said since they had met multiple times.

"Hey." Clary said.

"Well, let's go in." Celiné said and started leading them into the livingroom. She leaned closer to Clary. "You think he's glad they're here?"

"Of course. I bet it's nice to see them." Clary told her. "I mean no offense but we're kinda stuck here with our families the whole summer so..."

Celiné laughed. "Got it."

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